Keeping the Bloodline Pure Final Chapter
As the days had come to pass and their sister was clearly gaining more weight with every day the boys began to become suspicious of what was really happening with her. "Brother I think we were successful!" Arthur said proudly. "But who was the one...
Fuzzy Love 2
The canine asked as he placed his forehead onto the humans staring into his yellow dawn eyes chuckling as he saw the humans cute blush stroking his hair being quite gently keeping a paw on his back. "indeed i did, how about you?"
Chapter 10
He blushed bright red and smiled really wide. "i love you too!" he said, his tail thumping on my bed behind him. i pulled him in for a hug, when something caught my eye. i let him go and looked into my doorway, my heart stopped.
Bury the Dead Chapter Six
Chapter 6 I'm always relieved when someone is delivering a eulogy and I realize I'm listening to it. -George Carlin Tony's footsteps echoed down the alleyway as a pair of soft pads kept up closely behind him. The steps would blend in and...
The Morning After
I couldn't help but blush at the compliment. "even moreso when you blush like that." "dresnath!" i whined as i looked away in embarrassment. "yes, sexy rudderbutt?" he teased.
Special Delivery
The smaller pup blushed deeply, wrapping his arms around the big plush's midsection.
Adveturous Fox Ch 0 (Pilot)
Gidly started walking with me still on his back and started chuckling at me "hah, can't blame them, you did look really cute in that uniform you were made to wear" after that he really started laughing and i could only blush and try to talk my
A spectacular failure
Caehl asked, a blush covering his face "well it was just a guess, but you confirmed it for me very conveniently." he said with a snicker "alright, this conversation is over!" caehl barked "i'm leaving now."
The Problem With Nudists
As he walked away judy read the fourth rule and this time felt the blush go all the way to her ears.
Winner Take All
He kept up the rhythmic motion for a minute or so, encouraged by the way she vocalized her appeal and the way even her rump began to blush with warmth as her peak neared.
Tree House
Rex blushed a dark purple as he muttered, " you." sam blushed bright red moaned, "i, love you too rex!" they both shared a brief case and sam increased his pace. they both moaned, "ahhhhhhhhh." they both had an orgasm.
Who Are You? Part- 1 A Short Story.
Throwing the long pants onto the floor next to the shirt, scott blushes furiously as his eyes comb over the grey and white form of his friends almost naked body. clay wasn't fat, but he wasn't muscular either.