As Easy as breathing Part 4
"i'm not in the mood to be screwed with." "who screwing with you? if we're gonna sit here, we might as well exchange secrets." omega said. "fine" hagen said, sitting in front of me. "talk." "my husband was abusive. very abusive." i said.
Father of the Pride: Old School Thinking Has Its Benefits
Get up there and screw her silly! jeez..." "what!? hunter, go upstairs." she picked up her young cub and shoved him to the stairs. "dad, i swear to god. she's our kid!" "my point exactly.
Chapter 10: Secrets Are Revealed, A Trip To The Beach, and I Get My First Glimpse At Parenthood.
I shook my head and said "dasher lives with me, she's supposed to be a he but i screwed up her machine when i screwed her, and i think she's just one of many people i've ended up putting in your condition right now."
Dogs Have Needs Too
Ben grinned in turn replying dryly, "well...since i don't see any other whores or bitches around that want a screw...why not?"
screwing was... just screwing. he waited for me to pull back before he answered. "guy was just needy.
A Brief's Tale 3
I'm not big on screwing myself, so i'll try harder next time." with a light kiss, he began to do just as anda asked. while it was incredibly bizarre to be screwing a clone of himself, he was enjoying it and he could tell anda loved it too.
The Greeenmount Chronicles: Chapter 18, Interlude: Dilemma
I don't wanna see you screwing with other guys. it... it fucking hurts, man." rock wrapped his arms around mace and pulled him close. "i don't wanna cheat on you," he said softly. "i wanna be with you. only with you, okay?"
I was so afraid i'd hurt you, that i'd screw up. and i came so close to screwing things up. and-" eli put a hand on soren's muzzle. cupping soren's face in his hands, he sighed. "no. stop it now. stop acting like you need to be perfect. couples argue.
The Greater Guide to Fucking Pokemon.
Flip to the next page for some personal accounts and stories from trainers of all six 'mons, and a gorgeous spread pic of one trainer and his blaziken screwing like horny little lopunny's.
screw the middle class i mean, wait, i mean i'd love to screw the middle class because i love them so much, you know, right, eh?
The hare screwed up his nose, uttering a soft squeak of disgust. he peeked out from behind the box, watching the anthro sit down on a bench, presumably waiting for a bus, but the hare knew otherwise.
Love Lost, Chapter 7b: Projections, concluded.
Grace, did you screw with the fridge while i was at school?' yeah, i screwed with the fridge.