The Goat Suit
Someone i can help be a dumb, hulking goat jockbro. i mean, who can resist me?
Home Sweet Home
Here it was. The house he'd traveled across the country to find. Marcus stared out the car window at it, unsure if he should be impressed or disappointed. Sure, he knew it was going to be less impressive than the needlessly opulent home he'd grown...
The Dumb Apprentice
Even a dumb apprentice like him knows where he belongs. "the lion said in a very amused tone. jeff too had to laugh, as he heard the purrs. "yeah, seems like it."
Dumb Love
dumb love by kyvr aaron was not the smartest dog in the world, and he knew it. he hated being slow, hated being regarded as the "dumb jock." among the other jocks, he was the slowest of them of all. at least that is what they always told him.
Dumb Muscle
She thought desmond would paw at her and maybe even be dumb enough to use his hurt paw for the job, but he didn't. he was so passive that she was able to sit right down on him.
Wake Up Call (Concrete Poem)
Wake Up Call By Danath \* \* \* Thick And veiny Round and heavy Plump veins, tip drips Ridged, strong, and stout There's no such thing as Having too much wolf Especially one that's so Eager & promisingly big Like this one...
Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality - Chapter 3
The next few days I spent trying to find this fiendish Mebtilogu, but he was nowhere to be seen. Then I decided to use my grand powers of...
Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality - Chapter 2
The next 15 seconds were pretty rough, but then I decided to stop counting, so there were an innumerous amount of seconds that were pretty rough after that. Then I decided to have a...
Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality - Chapter 1
Welcome. 'Tis I, the mighty Tlumisog: King of Reality. Since I have been thinking a lot about myself lately, and all my noble feats of epic heroism, I've decided to write my humble autobiography of...
Black Velvet (Prologue of an unfinished story)
Prologue She regained her consciousness, but not her memory of where she was or why she was here. The world came to her focus, the fox finally saw the blood on her hand. She found her squad scattered across, their lifeless bodies broken, torn, and...
The Butchering And Release Of A Soul
The crippling agony of Lonesomeness cuts at the soul like a peach, spraying its blood across the cosmic walls of despair. The soul tries to rebel against Lonesomeness, but alas, it has a companion, Judgment. Joining with Lonesomeness, Judgment scampers...