Nekkid Weekend
But no, nekkid weekend was nekkid weekend. without thinking, she snatched up her teddy bear, claire, from her bedside table and held it to her chest. the fuzzy presence calmed her down a bit, and she made up her mind.
Paws of Fire: Tiger in Town - Chapter 10
**Chapter 10: The Three Shades** "Hey, buddy...wake up." Jalhamut grunted, rolling over onto his back and squinting his eyes open after his short slumber. He saw the red sky, covered for the most part by two silhouettes of canines. He quickly...
The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 9: A Wolf in her Bedroom
"do i has t'" hubert pouted as the fox moved her hand up to caress his cheek, "unless ya don'ts wants t' see me nekkid."
The Russian Lion's Cubs
As we reach the crowded shower room, i am buck assed nekkid and my pussy is leaking like a sieve and clenching. sergei has evan stripped and is right behind us.
If DitD 1 was a fanfic...
Okay fine but only cause your a sexy dragon, alia said sexfully so lia got nekkid to her bare boobs and stuff, and the dragon was all, wow, ur boobiful i mean beutiful haha, cause he was witty and stuff too.
Claude and the Moose
Mac is staring at me, which surprises me until i remember that i am standing in front of my window stark nekkid. and my pussy is 'hanging out' so to speak. i back away from the window and dress.
Chapter 1: It Begins
"whoa now... you two should be in school, not parading around buck-ass nekkid! where are your parents? ah, no matter, i'll just take you back to st. lovejoy's and get you back to class! education is the most important thing here in pouncefield!"
Chapter 2: Innocent Acting
Ya see, ah found ‘em both nekkid and fightin' each other, so ah think they might be brothahs, an they're not from ‘round ‘ere. ya don' happen ta have any spare uniform for ‘em, do ya?"
Out Of The Blue (Chapter16, Book8)
"you were nekkid?" "no, i was naked," said the third. rufus frowned. "there's a bit'a difference between bein' naked and nekkid. naked means y'all done got no clothes on. nekkid means you undressed _and_ up to no good. but it dun' matter.
A Passing of Time - chapter 1
She prefers to be nekkid as she feels cloths are restricting but with her fur so soft and velvety it can look like she is wearing some form of clothing.
Maid in Waiting prt2
#575 of my stuff time to start gettin nekkid black hat was still standing there over flug, breathing heavily. had the scientist just heard correctly?! slimy, green, translucent drool dripped from the demons mouth as he licked his sharp teeth again.
Claude and the Rodent Bar
Bitch, why ain't you nekkid yet, you ain't gonna be cherry much longer, and i plan on leaving your belly full of my kits." he snarls and rips my suit off of me. he pushes me down on top of my desk and gets on top of me.