Vignette: Acts of Intent
> _once the meaning grew overwhelming -- he'd know the moment when it came -- the sigillarium was brought out, opened reverently to the next blank page, and impressed with the new sigil.
Some people just need to sack up **chapter three - sigil** ** ** cass did not hear from thomas for the rest of the weekend or even into the start of the week.
Empowered to Ecstasy
Talon chuckled warmly, and craned his neck down to kiss sigil on the forehead. "always, sigil. _always_."
Hold Your Weight - Commission for Asteyr
"sigil and i were lovers long ago. what happened to you, sigil?" sigil stood proudly, his dick halfway back inside his sheathe. a puddle of his piss had accumulated next to his feet. "i joined the city guard.
Found Forgotten, 2: Awakening
The entrance is marked; the sigil-mancer should be able to read it." "who, me?" the mage said, as if he didn't know of the power that surged ever through him, of the brightness of his heartfire.
Collecting Evidence
sigils slowly said as he turned around his head. pegasi and bat ponies alike, those capable of flight treasured they wing and sigil dreaded what he was going to see.
First Time Being Kidnapped
; sigil grinned.
Hold Your Weight Part 2: Iotas Wins - Commission for Asteyr
sigil looked over at him. he saw how rapt he was, eyes unwavering from the scene before him. sigil had forgotten how handsome he looked from profile. alphys caught him looking. "[what?]" sigil looked away. "[nothing. sorry.]"
Wolf Pack: Part 3
sigil and char filled out the middle seat with their bulk. to the right of sigil was the sage, and to the left of char was luke. luke was an enigmatic wolf.
Hold Your Weight Part 2: Thetas Wins - Commission for Asteyr
sigil looked over at him. he saw how rapt he was, eyes unwavering from the scene before him. sigil had forgotten how handsome he looked from profile. alphys caught him looking. "[what?]" sigil looked away. "[nothing. sorry.]"
Wolf Pack: Part 1
sigil grabs frost and shoulders him like a sack of potatoes. sigil's calves flex a little and he bolts into the woods. frost screams and bangs his fist on sigil's back but sigil takes no notice of this.
Wolf Pack Part 1
sigil grabs frost and shoulders him like a sack of potatoes. sigil's calves flex a little and he bolts into the woods. frost screams and bangs his fist on sigil's back but sigil takes no notice of this.