Lustful Diamond: Flaming Passion

"it actually concerns _you_, dragon-boy..." "uh, it's spike..." "cute." bonbon simply smirked, making the dragon feel like a mouse cornered by a lion.

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Dragon's Glory Chapter 3

"don't worry, squirt," syn said after popping his gummy feeling finger out of his cousin's backside, the dragon boy grunted a happy snarl as he brought the musk soaked digit to his flaring nostrils. "you're going to be next once i've broken his cheery."

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Suddenly quite flustered, jonathon found himself staring at a youngish dragon guy, whose eyes widened when he processed the raccoon standing beside his car. "eeep!" "sorry!" jonathon cringed. "i, uh...

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How to Enter Dragon Heaven P6

There was nothing quite like having five rubber-suited dragon men all sleeping together on the same bed, though none of them seemed to complain about it.

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Moments Like This

He was so happy that he had ended up with such a dragon boy. he wished moments like this could last forever, but unfortunately this was the first night in what seemed like forever that they had really gotten into it.

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Part Two: Touching

A mix of fear and curiosity raged within the young shamaness as the dragon's maleness greeted her slowly.

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Love within War

When he is not in the military, he is the nicest dragon male here and is kind to others but when males try to get with his daughter, every male goes through him and before they even get a chance to meet with him, they run off scared.

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Sjach's True Destiny

The target was a black dragon male. he stood about seven foot three, usually was spotted in some sort of band name suit. his hair.. well lets just say he didn't have any except for the head spikes which also ran down his back.

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Dragons Lair pt 7

"that weird dragon guy?" "he's not weird. i believe him." "another lost soul, and it was a hot one too." all of them laughed. "hey -" "myra. i thought you went shopping."

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A Dragonair Tail

She lies back and spreads her legs to the dragon male. dragonair lifts his tail, suddenly noticing the balls on the end and forms an idea.

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Blaze and get burnt

#1 of blaze and get burnt mystery m/f dragoness boy dragons fight vilant "git outa here you demon go on git!"

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A large dragon male sat at the bar, sipping vodka and watching this buxom wolf work her body on the dance floor. since she never looked to luke while she danced, the dragon had no idea she was spoken for.

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