Dragon's Pride 4
"xerocia...wait, you're the other self," said yort coldly. "you still have a gut to come back here after what you've done to all of us..."
Dawn of a New Age: Temptation
I could feel the gentle caresses of this other self, grappling with my loves as i was tugged about. "bring our tentacles with us. make them a part of the new world. purge the corruption in our king's name."
The Brood - Chapter 1
I know we haven't had a new female were-rat in nearly fifty years, but you should be more concerned about her other self, not her tastes in food." this male sounded worried and reserved. "why are you being so skeptical, donny?
." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alyn did what mice did best - though she, and every other self-respecting member
Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 6.) Uncontroled Actions
. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* rrahkarr was fighting with his other self; who came to be known as severo (sever-o), to regain control of his body.
The Hunt
He felt the chest beneath him buckle as he crushed it with his ass, the hive in his arms twitching even harder at the unexpected death of it's other self. he pulled it off his cock and brought it up to his face. "prepare a bath for me."
Blessing of the Lady
She felt the pleasure of being penetrated and the wet warmth on her cock at the same time, like she could feel exactly what her other self did in the moment. it only spurred her to meet her thrust, rolling her hips down to accept her lover eagerly.
Final Patreon Story - The Triple Blitz Peppermint Milkshake
He moaned after a while, sliding back a bit to give his clone room to move and stand up while still providing his ass to his other self. "bend over, i want to try this one." red grinned and flexed his arms. "i knew you had it in you."
Symbiotic Symptoms part 1
More images flooded his mind from his other self and his body reacted. he watched both men's skin grow a spiderweb of black tendrils as he slowly consumed their biological matter.
Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 15.) The Long Road
It may have been a part of that other self of him looking at me." "oh, hmm... i wonder." patrick said and leaned back in his chair. "yes that'll work for now.
Starborne: New Beginnings - Rising Star
We - your other self, more precisely - prevented them from doingso."
Kaleidoscope XIV - World Under Fire
She can fuck with your mind and shit when her other self is in control, and she's still feeling the effects of her heat too." "her... other self...?" "arty, ria suffers a particular sort of dissociative identity disorder.