The Neo's Alpha Project Part Two

Everyone had held their breath as the ship jumped to ftl, ships had in the past unexpectedly blown up when accelerating to ftl; but thankfully theirs made it to ftl without mishap.

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The Trouble with Coyotes, Part Two

For the moment, that left miguel alone with their pilot, and the promise of calculating their ftl trajectory manually.

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46 (DSV Nautica) Secret Treasures

The erebus shimmered with light, then leapt forward, encased in its blue veil of ftl speed. it was about 2 hours to the point, then they could jump straight to the target galaxy from there.  

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39 (DSV Nautica) Listening

Space seemed to warp and swim around the three.they may have been disconnected from home, but for the time being they had each other, and the comfort of a galaxy teeming with life.the mors exited ftl above the super-earth of av'lhn.

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Chapter 2: A Short Trip

However, it is safe for one to assume that he is extremely tired, especially after running to catch a passenger shuttle going for mars on a ftl journey. however, it would be **safer** to assume that he had indeed collapsed from exhaustion.

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Here to the crest is about 100 hours after ftl, right?" "yeah, something like that. your ship might be a bit faster, but i'm no mechanic. by the way, we have a place set up for you in merida.

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9. My New Life-8

Exit warp, unfortunately only a small group of ships emerged from warp: six defiants, four excalibers, three intrepid viis, the asgard and the knight, both of the galaxy ii class, and me in star warrior equipped with the thunder battle pack and the warp ftl

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Shadow Stalkers: Djinn Pt 1

No doubt the voice wanted to do one of two things: get enough space between the freighter and the corvette to try to escape to ftl or to turn the disruptor cannon on them. or both, maya mused.

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Ch 7 Mors Mortis Part Two; Arrival - Too Late

Another worried look came across her face as she said "the ira dropped out of ftl rather fast.

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Shadow Stalkers: Jinx Pt. 7

The suddenness of going from ftl to subluminal speeds in an instant shocked the onboard computers and the sensors always needed a second or two to catch up with what was happening.

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FireFall AU: Thorn's Descent

He pushed for the creation of the arclights ftl drive and my people volunteered to be living test subjects, for we were created to be hearty and test out potential planets before risking humans, how was braving the void any different?

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