He Needs Some Loving!

He began to blush, the deep red radiating out of his pearly white cheek fur. "er.... wh.... what are you doing here?" he sighed, perhaps he could have said something a little more exciting.

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Meeting a Werewolf

The wolf smiles at me, revealing a little bit of pearly white pointed canine. i gasp and wince. it blinks, then slides its tongue over my lips. i blush.

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Adipose City Side Dishes: A Slice of the Pie

To bullet storm's right was buns, a brown-haired raccoon with an effeminate pear shape to his body that the wolfess found revolting.

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Secret of the Maze 2: The Treasure of the Center

When the thick head of his new god's cock crushed against the new male's virgin prostate, jasper's body seized again and a small rope of pearly white cum shot onto effus' large belly.

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Kickaha vs the Board of Education

pear tried to glance around but he couldn't see anything beyond what the screen was facing. "neither." kickaha shrugged. "what? did you think you could just connect to the internet through magic?" pear demanded.

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Beloved Promises

The charizard says opening its eyes revealing a crimson eyes on my left and an azure one on the right and its pearly, toothy grin. i start crying with joy. "mathus!"

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 114: Something Only You And I Know (Revival Part Five)

Behind that were fields upon fields of apples and pear trees. they looked like they extended to the horizon. in the distance we could just make out some small forests. "this was where you worked love?" lurie said to her bull.

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tragedys beggining

The pearly gates showed themselves as i grew wings and stood up next to them. i started walking forward when the two guard dogs at the gates said, "welcome to your new home matty". i wanted to say thanks but i wasn't thankful for this.


The reaper

Goodbye my friend, you now must go, past the pearly gates. say hello to heaven now, your afterlife awaits.

Rails Of Ice: Part 1 Sneak Peek

Getting up, nickel stretched, yawning loudly while showing his pearly white teeth. smacking his lips a few times, he walked over to the clothes rack by the door and slipped into his heavy gray snow pants and dark blue parka.


A Waltz with Death

She walked towards me with a smile of glee; and her shape resembled a pear. "hello," she said as she bowed her head, her voice was like a prayer. i simply smiled, my heart gone wild, and i took my first bow. "loki, isn't it?"

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