Sex with a ballet dancer

Sex with a ballet dancer "Tonight is the night I've been waiting for, for the last two months," Charles says as the tall dragon stands in front of the mirror straightening his shirt. He picks up the ticket and looks it over again "this VIP ticket...

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Birthday Sex .:By Ceeb:.

Desmond had made a habit out of going to visit the online friends he'd gathered over the years, and while it almost always lead to some entertaining casual sex, the fox had learned not to bank on it. More often than not, jealous mates and obnoxious...

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Benny's sex and breakfast

Hello fellow furs. I'm a long time member (like 7 years!) but this will be my first post. Disclaimer: The story below contains plenty of male on male sex. If this is not your bag or you are not old enough to be reading smut then his is not the story...

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Straight Up Sex

Author's Note: I was kind of bored one day, was chatting with Lellow, a friend, and decided I wanted to write some good 'ol butt sex. Nothing really special about it. No story, no plot, no point. Just sex. Enjoy. Also, the ending is dumb. ...

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Gay Werewolf Sex

Disclaimer - Contains a broken Atari 2600, terrible shag carpeting, and Gay Werewolf Sex. (This is a work of pornographic fiction. Please do not read if it would be illegal for you to do so.) Gay Werewolf Sex Columbus Day has quickly become the day...

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Same Sex Sensibility

Isaac exhaled a long puff of smoke as finished the last inch of his cigar, the chubby bear leaning back in his computer chair as he looked through his e-mails. It was an early Saturday afternoon, and he still hadn't decided how to spend his day off....

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Sex Drugs and Raves

Sex, Drugs, and Raves After all that I've done, Everything I've given? If you think you can stay You are sadly mistaken. You must have lost your mind Don't worry, I found it for you. It was shoved between those two bottles of vodka, And covered...

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Sex in the Predawn Gloom

_This story will contain sexual acts between two male characters of legal age. By continuing past this disclaimer, you waive any and all rights to be offended by the content of this fictional work._ Thin beams of light from between the blinds were all...

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Practicing Surf Sex

Ash groggily turned around onto his side and jammed a hand on the snooze as it beeped out a 10:00 wake-up. He rolled over, fully-aroused, and felt for warmth next to his bare fur. Empty. The unicorn opened his eyes slowly against sunshine spilling into...

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MC1: Train of Sex

Alayna had stayed late at the school on Friday. She had a test on Monday, and was using the quiet of the campus library to study before the weekend officially hit. Besides, she knew she could catch the late train back with Martin since his classes were...

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Niju's Sex Toys

Troy was walking in the forest, feeling like he was being followed Aleu cowered into the grass and covered her face. "Niju, I didn't mean it!!" Aleu yelled as Niju towered over her and snorted. Troy looked around for the sound of the voice Niju...

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