Tender Secrets

There was nobody they knew in the restaurant, and everyone seemed to deem the two as just another age mixed couple that happened to be the same species.

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Reed and Sam

Reed had always had an eye for canines, probably due to simply being the same species, but he had more recently been shown something that stirred deep emotions inside part of his mind he hadn't thought about for a long time.

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New Beginnings and Dead Ends Part 14 : " "

The speaker chuckled before saying "well you see it's kinda complicated but some born with this certain desease come out a black figure with no real species mostly because of the parents weren't the same species, but the form can have a species surgically

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Sutured Claw

He also had said that breaking the flesh-covered claw would grant oleed the intercourse with the member of his same species that he so dearly desired.

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The Book of Warlock 11. Ghosts and rumours.

"there is a woman, same species as the general, also a magic user; and another reptid male, though he is small and frail looking." they looked at each other one last time. as though this last nugget of info was a biggie.

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The Emperor's New Tail

And now you want to take all your frustrations out on me because i'm the same species as a chosen digimon." the emperor's face grew red as he grit his teeth, rage boiling inside him.

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Kaiju Chaos; Manual.

. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elemental variants: some species of kaiju has elemental variations among them, same species and same names and titles, but with different elements and a few different abilities. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\

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Potions 101

The one species he was most concerned about, the species giving him the most trouble, was the same species he now needed to get potions from.

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Transformed Struggles- 3

"but we are of the same species, therefore if what i am cannot exist, then you cannot exist either.

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Bumpy Ride [Sketch]

Max's heart skipped a beat; many times before strangers had asked if the two were boyfriend-girlfriend, usually the older folks saying _how nice it is to see a same-species couple for once,_ and _you two look like you could be siblings!

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Beyond a Crush - Part 1

They weren't even the same species! even if that wasn't an issue, matt had never given any indications that he thought of her as anything more than a friend. but perhaps he too was suppressing feelings for her. ugh!

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Darkness Incarnate: Strangers

"even though he's not the same species?" maichail asked. "he doesn't need be of the same species to be in order for me to love him," syrra insisted as she stopped in front of an unoccupied room. "his fathers weren't, either."

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