Meet The Neighbors (TG, TF, MC)

You will serve the stepford family, you will serve your spouse, and in servitude you will find happiness." the cat said, lightly scratching his cheeks for emphasis.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 22: Memories

"i would think you'd want me to live, find happiness." "i would." i folded the brush and set it aside. my own fur could wait. "then i say the same. if i disappear or die, i don't want you to give up. you're a wolf who deserves the best happiness."

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Collared - Epilogue - Abeyance

Not to find happiness or purpose. he told isaac to stay alive, as if that was the next step in what isaac needed. as if happiness could only come after that. or maybe as if happiness wasn't attainable at all.

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Valium & Vodka: Chapter Five

I'll never have kids of my own, but if there's a purpose in life other than finding happiness for yourself, it's got to be helping someone else find theirs" aiden wet his lips and

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Aaru - Chapter 19 (Humo)

"and that she would eventually move on from you and find happiness else where." "yes!" i exclaimed. "a valid point." master jun'lao nodded. "relationships are complicated malakye. but that is what makes them worth having.

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Twisted Night: Chapter 21

Need to be free, need to survive, need to find happiness. each time it's taken someone from me." cordenth's scared face bubbled to the surface of her mind, shivering her scales. "even now it continues." "and yet it still continues.

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Nine Lives of Deathrow - Prologue

It was difficult, though, to see the people i cared about find happiness with no thought that it might have been on the horizon for me, to get close to men every day as i took their measurements, oftentimes entirely unclothed, might i add, and to not once

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Redd's Public Paradise Pt.2 - Living Without Fear

They cuddled, finding happiness together, while gladys giggled, catching her breath. "well, if that's the case, we better build a nest soon after that... if that didn't take, though, at least i now know the prettiest flower in my garden."

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A Wolf and a Fox

And if helping you find happiness means taking it in the ass, then i'll happily do that for you." he paused and looked back at the wolf spooning him. "just give me a week to recover before trying this again."

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Deviant Delights #34 - Soothsayer

I'm sorry to do this to you so soon after finding happiness, but that's the truth of it." "...actually, i understand completely," dylann said, a huge weight off his shoulders.

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My Life as a Dragon Slave 9

I just want... just want and i pray that sometime in mine and my family, which includes john, the twins and anyone else who is with us, that we may find happiness sooner or later. john got off the phone and i heard a heavy sigh leave him.

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