The legend of a warrior; Chapter 25: The four warriors - Training and fun
"rail gun...?" zerrex asked curiously to killer that was standing at his side, slowly rocking alexis in a gentle hug of his muscular arms around hers shoulders.
Hunter's Moon: First Conflict
The last one, a portable rail-gun, failed miserably during field trials. initially, the weapon came in two parts. a power unit to be strapped to the soldier's back and an emitter for engaging enemy technology.
The Star Lancers: The Curse of Cortes Ep. 6
Koshka looked up seeing the star lancer in the distance, she had came back around, firing her broadside rail-guns and she smiled. "assault team one, with me, assault team two, you know what to do!"
The last of the HellFire Knights. The begining.
I target the next fighter sending off a volly just as he fired his rail gun. my volly got to the target first, copying what the first fighter did.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 73 - Conquering a world in ruins
Each tower was armed with four gigantic rail guns, of ungodly caliber.
The Shifting
Each mounting twin high-power rail guns- and each turret's cannon are divided into two 'salvos', allowing for sustained fire in heavy combat situations. the projectiles they fire are high speed, explosive filled, guided munitions.
Meeting Starfox part 2: conclusion
He had started sweating seeing the guards, these elusive commandos all wearing black armor and carrying massive rail guns for assault rifles.
Red the hunter: Saddened days part 3
She however winced as the adamantium gate slammed shut closing off the front yard and backyard as the defense rail gun turrets emerged from the ceiling before aiming at the door.
Virtually Real Capter 62: Outta Time
As i glared at them with all my sensors i ran out my teeth, two massive rail guns, i'd chew these interlopers to pieces. no i extended all weapons emplacements. if they wanted to make threats i'd show them what happens when i'm angry.
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion
Trillian was amazed his shields had lasted so long against such a thick hail of rail gun and plasma shots.
Shadow Stalkers Cross over pt1
Trillian was amazed his shields had lasted so long against such a thick hail of rail gun and plasma shots.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 64: Pick Up The Pieces
"somewhat like in a rail gun, electromagnetic forces are used to fire "darts" of concentrated residue over distances as high as twenty miles.