The Medallion - Outline

She collapses onto knees and begins to orgasm as her body grows, clothing tears from her body as she massages breast and crotch. mary's cries for him to come back devolve into orgasm moans.

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Binding Contract

She felt her blood drawn, a gash on her side and more cloth tearing off her. a tongue ran along the wound, and a flash of iron hot pain lanced through her. the stench of searing flesh made her want to vomit.

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Story Request #2 - nievelion

The shifting, undulating warmth of mostly-shirtless bodies that surrounded his private booth were going berserk, those who were still clothed tearing off their underwear and flinging them toward the grand stage, where one of the former world bodybuilding

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The Rich and The Poor Part 7

"oh if i had just let you go on i might have seen a little more clothes tearing" she said as castiel and i knew it was helpless at this point. "p-please don't tell anyone...i'll pay you whatever you want.

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Improving Oneself

He seemed to be frozen in indecision about how to respond to what he was seeing until the sound of cloth tearing was finally able to shake him out of his daze.

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The Stable-Hand

It proved to be more difficult than he thought, his fingers still a bit numb and unresponsive from sleep, and in his fumbling he wound up ripping the cloth, tearing the breeches off more than taking them off.

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Anthem Of The Lonely - Act 1: Corridors Of Time

A few of the obsidian-like lances managed to graze and catch on some of her clothing, tearing it off a bit but leaving her unharmed. through the piercing roar that came out of the bear was another shot that nearly silenced it.

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Well Wished

Every other moment her body emitted a deep rumbling followed by a stretching sound which made her makeshift clothes' tearing silent by comparison. she was well on her way to becoming three stories worth of dracocheetah.

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A Carnal Beast

Then they started ripping at their clothes, tearing heavy skirts and modest shirts off and away, leaving them pooled around their hands and feet. there were no thoughts in their minds, no justifications or rationalizations.

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Holy Smokes [Steve Bear Commission]

His men nodded and descended on the boar who gasped and squeaked as they began pulling at his clothes, tearing them off his body and tossing them to the side, leaving him just as naked as they were. "whew, big boy!"

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Profile of Drake Hellblazer Harkonen

As the three looked on, they saw drake's clothes tear apart as he suddenly grows bigger, his face growing more terrifying by the second, and seeing bone spikes and bone claws emerge out of his skin and knuckles.

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