Otter's Anonymous

There is no coach in the window of the physical education department. alumni affairs is also closed. there is a tug on the shirt calvin is wearing and he is spun around so quick that he releases his bag as it slides on the floor.

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Kioga: A Well-Needed Change

He even changed in the locker room for physical education, naked aside from the diaper, used or clean, and for his disability kogari bore a couple of swirlies and got into a few fights. "hey, diaper genie! this is a toi-let!"

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4.Jackie-The-Junior The-First-Week

'just cause i like physical education not mean dumb. was number one ranked student in secondary education system, top grades, could have any job wanted with right degree. fell in love with gymnastics, now why lie? what you hiding?'

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Jackie-The-Junior Shopping-and-Truth

As you know we didn't have co-ed locker rooms, but the physical education classes themselves were co-ed. but it was about this same time everyone, me included, started to see that what we were told wasn't true.' ms henderson nods once.

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Experimenting in College

"physical education." "it's gym, plain and simple," erik said. "i'm not gonna let them pretty up the name when it's just gym. and do you really think that anyone's gonna care if i stink a bit while i'm working out there?

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The Rising Fallen Star 4 - Kolorado

"oh yes indeed, we pride ourselves greatly upon our athletic prowess thanks to her eager emphasis on physical education.


High School is Hell - Obscure

Dante hadn't taken physical education as part of his subjects so the only contact conway had with virgil's grandson was through football practice. he could have hunted him down at lunch or during classes but he didn't want to arouse suspicion.

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A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

You have to take a physical education credit anyways, this can be it." emily's voice stayed steady, controlled this time. "god damn. you're right."

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A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends complete part one chapters 1-10

'physical education, we are doing close combat with aya.' ash winced, 'sounds fun.' 'oh' yes quinn said, 'sooooo much fun you?'

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Amber's 69 First Dates - The Fall Bazaar

Between algebra and physical education, one of the guidance counsellors had invited her out for ice cream sometime on the weekend.

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Master's Pride

Noticing the happy grin on nikki's face and the pride the pup felt for her physical education teacher ,little yasmin turned to murmur in nikki's perked huskie ear, low enough so that she wouldn't be overheard by the others sitting nearby, her conspiratorial

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