Shopping Day (Hyper Story)
"we're about to close, but you can dip into the changing room quickly before you head out." "okthanksbye-" geordie responded quickly, tail tucked between his legs as he snatched the clothes off of the counter and ran into the changing room.
swimming should be fun
As the morning sun woke me with it bright rays I yawned and then groaned as I got up my dick throbbing from yet another sexual dream. I walked into the bathroom and got into the shower my skin loving the water as it hydrated me making my body slick...
Linnea 02 - A Friendly Suggestion
A Friendly Suggestion The door to the small apartment clicked and swung open violently, the handle bouncing off the rubber guard on the wall as Linnea rushed inside and slapped at the light switch. She closed the door with her back, catching her...
Irresistible Attraction
To her credit though the changing room attendant said nothing, and handed tala a pair of tags.
Just Another Day in the Boy's Change Room
I waited till the last person to leave the change room and just as he finished pulling his shirt on and zipped up his backpack. as he turned to leave i stepped in front of him and watched him jump back in surprise.
gyms days part one
As i got into the changing rooms i started to unwind no longer wanting to ring my friend and let him give those three an std instead just a nasty itch.
What happens in the changing room... (DU 4:3)
Chapter 3 shaun's p.o.v i climbed out of the pool early and rushed into the changing room shivering. i wasn't afraid of water, but i still hated being wet and cold for too long.
Journal of a Brief Wearing Bunny Part 3 Chapter 2
From how he said it, he must have been pointing at the changing rooms. "u-uh okay..?" the other man said, the older man grumbling as he hurried off.
AJ's Size
He was in primrose's changing room, no less! he spurred himself to action, kicking shoes off his footpads, stripping out of his boring old shirt and undoing his pants and pushing down his underwear with them.
having a whale of a time
There was four types of changing rooms or locker rooms, males only, females only, family only and the last one was other i guess this is for those trans or not sure on there gender furs, i walked into the other locker room.
Play Until Dawn
Picking up tanzanite from the ground and holding him like a mother would hold a baby, in the exact same way lex often held rex, catseye carried tanzanite from the changing room and towards the thumping house music. * * * # thanks for reading!
A Simple Favor
Upon entering the changing rooms, riley sensed a far from convivial atmosphere. isingoma was exactly where the bouncer had told, sitting on a bench in the changing room in the midst of all the other feline dancers.