Dead Streets: Scouting Underneath

At the sound of heavy steps at her side and hissing she turned only to see the darkness before her, but again she fired, the loud crack of her gun sounding off, and again the creature leaped from nothingness, she wouldn't

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story; The Revelation According to Wethers

It pulled me back from nothingness and made me whole. my memories, all of them, returned as bright and vivid as the moment i experienced them._ _ _ _and then i looked.

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The Remnant in the Box

"you are the man who built an empire from nothingness, you can do it again!" the lynx dropped in his knees once again. "i don't have the strength, vince. i just don't have the strength..." "i will help you, no need to think you're alone."

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Whims of Gods

It always amused him how something so small and tame could cause so much tension in a place where immortality was just as common as the ability to create entire worlds from nothingness.

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He bowled himself backwards as black energy boiled up from nothingness, wrapping around ryu entirely and then bursting apart. "um," rei said.

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"BLEU" Part Two

Before long, another question surfaced from nothingness: **which is the way out of this?** this time i was able to answer this, but the thoughts were fuzzy...

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Predilection: CH 16: Fate of the Damned

Creation was born from nothingness, and in the end nothing shall remain." a surge of energy rippled from my demonic copy, causing it to cringe and hold back a cry of pain.

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Shattered Shards: Hooves and Hippodrakes

There was a soft tickle at the base of his spine, a few new muscles forming as long, thick strands of hair sprouted from nothingness, giving him a long equine tail.

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Twisted Fates

A silky voice burst from nothingness. makaidos snarled. he looked around hastily until he realized the voice came from the tablet itself. "there are no assassins hidden inside that rock, dragon." "how do you know?"

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Dreams: Max

Yanking the leash from the male's paw, max shoved the dog in the shoulder, pushing him down onto the bed, the frames and covers materialising and creating themselves from nothingness.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 27 - A Gift Horse

"i am talking about the lord, who blessed us with the universe, created from nothingness." the chubby pelt wearing digimon stated. applejack didn't say anything for a moment, then she turned to the cat and seal. "is he... um... _special_?"