Cheolfs: The History of the Species

Over the years, there have been reports that the male cheolf's may play a role in the viability of the species, but it is open to heated debates among the major sciences and theologians. this will be explained in the next part.

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Balls in the Air

During a day out at the faire, a group of guys find themselves unexpectedly playing a role in a juggler's show. <3 this story was written for serling as part of my september patreon themed request day.

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 3

What if the fact that our union was incestuous had played a role in our baby's defects?

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No one really knew what the brain stem and the pons were there for but there was reason to believe that the amygdala, the fear center, played a role in nightmares.

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Chapter XXIX: Rise above this doubt

Was she playing a role again, or did she actually...? "wait, are you implying that you_like_to wear diapers?" "i think it's comfortable.

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Full Moon Lust

Blitz would have sighed, if not for the fact that, in some way, he was still playing a role there. "oh, yes, my big dicked imp..." blitz smirked. yeah, that was more like it.

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A Love Rivalry

a role of a leader too...'' she jumped off and flew with the directions in mind. 30 minutes later she had flown most of the distance she could already see the misty lake, looking around she landed just right off the shores of the lake, moving into

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Fighting Nihilism: Ch.I - Crossing the border

playing a role completely had always been his pleasure; since he did not feel or care about anything it was even easier for him to do so. "i understood, wolfy. so what's gonna happen next?

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Wu Sisters’ game 2: Goodbye Tigress

Real life is very much like a soap opera in which everyone plays a role. we all have the experience of following the emotional swings of the characters of soap operas."

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Webcam buddies. (Rat version.)

It was a loud slap, he made sure the microphone would have been able to capture it, and he felt a bit like he was playing a role that generally didn't suit him. then again, that male was very persuasive.

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Past Sins

But i can't push for that change so long as i have played a role in her corruption." "so that's your plan? to travel all of lupra and make amends for the wrong you've done?" "it's better than rotting away, wallowing in self-pity," leat shot back.

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Time's Up

Perhaps the fact that he was infected played a role. they didn't see ray as they did those in clean regions and likely wanted to be nowhere near him. he couldn't blame them.

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