June/July Short Fictions

. **#13 rats, rats, rats** "this the guy?" one of them says to my left. i don't lift my head but i'd already seen each of them. a head taller than me and one and a half times as wide with muscles bigger than my head and guts i could lounge on.

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The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 8 - The Rat Talisman - Motion to the Motionless (Old NON-CANON)

(hmmm rat... rat... what power would a rat give me? some of the powers are obvious.... dragon is powerful blasts, horse as in healthy as a horse...) gomamon murred deep in thought. "hmmm let's see....." gomamon looked at the wall across from the bed.

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Brothers; or, A Tail of Life and Love in a Glass House (Part 3/6)

It was wide, too, looking like something she might find on an otter housewife rather than a rat. rats were supposed to be scrawny, or at least she had always thought...regardless.

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Rat Attack!

"why be mean to rat? rat can be friend!" another said, sounding oddly sincere. a third wasn't nearly so diplomatic. "now we _punish.

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The Walk

Mice to his family, they were not thought to be anything like a rat. rats were wise, fast and strong. mice were stupid, slow and weak. the fact they were similar in everything aside from size, was an afterthought. . . but not to tarik, not anymore.

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Lady and the Tramp: Blurred Lines (with music parody)

An orgy erupted around the two copulating dogs, rat on rat, rat on crow, crow on crow, and crow on rat, fur and feathers ruffled in the frantic lust.

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Two Daimyo's Cum Together

"rat." "rat?" he repeated. "funny you picked that." "why is that?" "i don't see how a rat can be appealing or ferocious." he answered. "true, but they can be very sneaky and quick when cornered." "hmm.. good point."

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Brought into the Light: part 10: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

"the name he's going under is "mafisto" but his real name is jenner nimh and he's a rat....rat as in race not as in dirt bag." "well rat is a good description?" chancy snorted. gordon smirked.

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The Last Shell

What interested him mostly though were the rats. rats ruled this place, and he made fine sport of slithering into the heaps of decaying sacks and snatching them as they darted for their holes.

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Rat's Revolution: Rodent Rebirth

He was working on a new virility drug using the dna and semen of rats. rats having a high sexual drive and mating abilities, secured the choice of his main ingredients.

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Rat's Nest [extreme]

Furry rats, rats in hazmat suits... dozens, maybe hundreds... they were everywhere... river was glad they were making as much noise as him, it was easier to blend in...

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Hole in the Wall: The Little Things. Chapter Three.

The tiger teased, inspecting his nails now, waiting for the reaction he'd always get from the easily excitable rat. "rat's like more than cheese!" theo said, getting angry. pedro chuckled at that.

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