#12: NITRO interviews BANJO and KAZOOIE

Ziggo (laughing): short stubby legs! (banjo enters the room) banjo: guh-huh! err...what's going on? am i being interviewed yet? nitro: hey, i know you! you're from that vehicle building game on xbox 360!

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Ch 2: Major Changes

Major's stubby legs pulled on her hips, shaking her out of the momentary distraction. sera tried to glance back at him, but she was firmly pressed into the mud, unable to move.

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Werecorgi [M / TF / SFW]

_ running on short, stubby legs, steven reached the fence and pressed his muzzle under the gap at the bottom. whining in frustration, he dug at the soft dirt and yipped when he made a hole.

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A Storm of Passion

"you're hurt..." she said, taking a cautious step towards him then looked at his drenched body, then to the storm raging before finally looking at his stubby legs. nodding her head she seemed to come to a decision.

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Age Regression

I again try to stand up but can only take a few unbalanced steps on my stubby legs before toppling over again. my sobs begin to get louder and i soon find myself crying loudly sniffling and wiping my wet nose as it runs profusely.

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Private Wave Pool

He pressed his broad belly onto the side path next to the pool and supported himself with it as he strained to get one of his stubby legs up alongside it.

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Tucked in Cheek

He practically had to run to keep up, belying just how fast the bulldog could go even with his gut pressed down against his relatively stubby legs. "i... i'm coming! i don't wanna miss dinner!"

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Q for Quicksand

His stubby legs were all but in gone now, covered in muck and barely able to move in spite of the totodile's 'struggling'.

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Ocean Depths part 3

The slightly stubby legs didn't even seem to lessen his height in the least. the torso was longer than any man's he'd ever seen, covered in that thick downy fur, with a concealed under layer softer than the eye could perceive.

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He laid there, looking like a massive spotted lump with lil stubby legs. his tail was wagging, wherever it was, and he watched as paws pressed at the walls inside him and so did the boy's face.

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Motion Unexists

He kicked the wall, pain radiated up his stubby leg, his anger going beyond the boiling point.   mukaylajoshiiimuiiiiiiuudowrymu.  

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