An Icewrack Sojourn

In a surprise blow, he landed one particularly deep thrust and went balls deep, giving ymir quite the stinging jolt. with a shout, the tusk straightened his legs in recoil against the cheap shot, stopping jull from going any further.

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The Bullshiter's Club: Three Month Later

Cindy had time to arrange the furniture and lay back, spreading her legs during the surprise blow job. 'alright. i'm ready.' toby removed his sucking muzzle from the fox's hardness with a smack of his lips. 'now relax, maj.

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Commission: A Girl and her Soldier

He hadn't meant to hit her like that, but while her figure shivered from the force of the surprise blow that grey face of hers shook a bit side to side and her hands guarding where the attack hard landed right at the front of her hips.

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The Princess and The Punk (Commission)

"i wish," jovi smiled, sipping through his straw, "most don't like a surprise fellatio. but when rocky told me about your size, well, i had to see it for myself. size doesn't mean everything, but i'd be lying if i said yours doesn't excite me a little."

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An Embarrassing Day: part 1&2

In the middle of his surprise blowjob he got pushed off by the man to save his girlfriend, his load unrelenting in its power, unloading his balls all over the angry adult as he got a hot milky load of jizm on his cheek, shirt collar and pride.

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Boss' Orders

Before the lizard monster knew it was on him or could even fully let out his warning, his climax crashed over him like a wave...just as unexpected as the surprise blow job.

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Perverted Paradise - Part 3

Toby was confused why vince was acting so shy and polite; it was as if the wolf was different from the one who gave him a surprise blowjob in the forest... "y-yes, you can..."

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Charmed (request)

This time he took the surprise blowjob a lot slower, starting with his head and almost suckling on it, breaking eye contact for only a few times to shift to a new position.

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Charmed (Request)

This time he took the surprise blowjob a lot slower, starting with his head and almost suckling on it, breaking eye contact for only a few times to shift to a new position.

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The (Addicted) Dragonrider Legion Part Two

Once the initial shock and euphoria of the surprise blowjob had worn off, the human threw the covers off himself to see the grinning and messy face of his fiery red-scaled partner, and could only grin back at him before commenting on how that was to become

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Termite Trouble

She had her back to her cubs and appeared to not have moved at all during halley's surprise blowjob. the door to the toilet opened, the light went out, and halley's eyes swept over the room back to where her brother laid.

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Termite Trouble

She had her back to her cubs and appeared to not have moved at all during halley's surprise blowjob. the door to the toilet opened, the light went out, and halley's eyes swept over the room back to where her brother laid.

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