Tradewind Vs. Accord
The similarity of this secondary suite to the powerset of the recently vanished antihero ringwraith, their similar ages, similar costuming elements and design, and according to some accounts similar appearance (though no clear photograph of ringwraith's face
Reaper Angelsea Campaign: First Interlude
If reaper was half the man he claimed to be, he'd back off from leo the instant he realised he was a mass murderer and not some sort of antihero. if not... then i would be there to step in once he exploded... on leo.
Suggesting an Original Character
Hello, I've written [a concept]( for an original character that involves belching on my interactive: Belching Girls:...
Daddy's Boyfriend: Brandon's Boyfriend
The story mode consist of us playing as a hero/antihero; they gave us the option to choose a path. the two paths were hero or villian, and you could only imagine the side are fragile little minds pick.
Infiltration (Act2, Book2, Chapter2)
I'm an antihero, evan. i'm an ally but i'm not aligned 'lawful good.' i'm more, 'chaotic neutral' most of the time, but because of what's at stake, i'm working 'chaotic good.' we on the same page here?" rufus furrowed his black bushy brows.
Apex City - Hero Practice
The pectacular wolf, however, has a plan to bring the electric antihero into his bosom.
Lynx watched, dumbfounded and distressed--serge's remarks made clear that everything he had believed or been told was a lie or a mistake, that while an antihero lynx still intended to save the world and had the same goals as he, if differing motives.
Restaurant issues
He maybe a swat agent but he is more of a vigilante antihero. i wouldn't piss him off if i were you unless you want to join his increasing body count."
Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act I, Part 5
He was an antihero, true... a force of darkness that did deeds that could be seen as good or right, with many a flaw in his character... but he'd never met his opposite number.
Deadly Attractions : The Gathering Storm
Our two antiheroes explore their budding relationship but trouble brews ahead. the second chapter of a new series written in collaboration with tronntronn gunther sipped his tea too quickly and a droplet escaped between his lips to hit his bare chest.
Red the hunter: saddened days part1
He snorted and replied "i'm no hero, i'm more of an antihero a vigilante at heart who does anything to make things right. i'm rather glad that you understand your faults because in some aspects others might think that you're an uncaring bitch."
The Gunslinger (Pt. 3 of "In The Beginning")
It's time to turn you into a b-movie antihero!" clyde looked on, somewhat startled and just off to the side. he didn't look like he was going to get dressed up as anything, just there to ogle the wolf as he got down to his boxer shorts.