brand new Pep

Peppy may have idolised denise but that was one piece of anatomy he wanted to keep. the suspension fluid drained taking any leftover nanomachines with it and the chamber opened. "hooo let me tell ya that's a real trip."

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Kendra's Tale

Sure, he knew this wasn't a natural position for a stag, but he idolised his mistress, and knew because of his training and the unmistakable weight of their fawn in her womb, he had to be careful with her - but often, when her vaginal walls instinctively convulsed

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The Angel's Ecstasy - Part Two

They worshipped, praised and idolised one another's bodies until the halo around angelica's head began to fade in its glow, even her apparently supernatural powers seemingly not without their limits. even then though, they kept going.

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The Angel's Wish (A Jeeves Prompt, Posted with Permission)

They worshipped, praised and idolised one another's bodies until the halo around angelica's head began to fade in its glow, even her apparently supernatural powers seemingly not without their limits. even then though, they kept going.

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With nothing else to do he stuck the necklace on and started to read the instructions: only use as directed, wear the amulet round your neck and visualise the animal you most idolise, the stronger the image of the animal you have in you're mind the better

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Kinktober 2018, Day Four - A Worthy Father

Malika mewled simply, pleadingly to the stud, to the male she and her sisters had not only idolised but practically worshipped since they learned of his existence and what he did to the women he desired.

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Spyro: Release the Dragon

Here he was having dinner with his four most idolised dragons and he could not imagine anyway it could possibly get any better.

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Black Meridian 17: The Calm Before

"he's so _damn_ interested in a backwards-headed, self-idolising, penitent idiot like lyric. an _idiot_ who thinks he's _so_ much better than all of us, too good to mingle with the common folk, the arrogant _prick_."

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Although primo's stint in the army moulded him into the muscular and confident shepherd that his fans would idolise, he realised with a heavy heart that if war were to break out, he would be fighting against abel.

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Not The Best Babysitter - Part 1

He sent back a "_maybe_" to keep the raccoon's mind running, knowing that the boy would jerk off to the thought of the dominant wex he idolised so much molesting a helpless kid.

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GBL High: Chapter Four

"i have known timmy for only a few years, and he's one of the most gentlest souls i have ever known, idolises you and wanted to be like you for so long. but for his sake, i hope to god he doesn't." "shut your mouth laura!"

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Repressed Emotions

Chris, on the other hand idolised rand. he at once loved the attention and shied away from it. his little shadow had fortunately fit in well around his friends.

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