Ia! Ia! Cthulhu F-*zzzzz*

I have been waiting here, at miskatonic; where the necronomicon is kept - the human-skin bound book that they need to be called from. have you found yourself being drawn to the library?" morgan nodded.

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Naughty shapeshifting contest(with tentacle rape)

The necronomicon requiro cupido votum, for all his usefulness really is a bit of a smart-ass, he thought. he guessed the demon couldn't really help it, if that was indeed his innate nature.

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Persona 5: Ann Gets Schooled [RP Log]

Futaba whines, a stick of pocky bobbing in her mouth as she studies several screens within necronomicon. front-and-center, she sees ann standing at shujin academy's gate - or... something that very well resembles it.

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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 3

The girl said before she pulled out a necronomicon book with hardback cover. "i overheard your conversation with toby.

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The Everwinter Agenda

Either somebody had a lovecraft obsession or someone actually managed to their paws on an authentic copy of the necronomicon because these things look like many other creations that could only be spawned by the fevered dreams of he master himself or one of

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Curse part 6

That happened once about a hundred years ago, someone got checked out by a variation of the necronomicon and next thing you know nyarlathotep was leading a parade of madmen through the city center.

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Red the hunter: saddened days part 4

The eyes pulsed before lying dormant once again making him speak slowly "have i ever told you a rather nasty gift azathoth has, not only is a he a patron for black magic of sorts but his eyes according to the necronomicon see the absolute truth..."

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Adventures in Possession... Chap 1

'necronomicon.' 'de vermis mysteriis.'the ground hog took down 'liber ivonis' and flipped through its musty pages... but all the writing was in latin. and toby could understand very little of it... "i think you'll find this is more what you need."

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Yule be Sorry

Statues of grotesque figures formerly revealed in foul tomes as far back as the necronomicon are on open display like idols for worship by the denizens of this den of darkest evil.

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The Seeker, Chapter 27

I was kind of surprised prince orobas hadn't wanted me to snatch the necronomicon too, but it turns out there are mistakes in it.

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The Temptation of St. Anthony

"hey," the raccoon grinned back; his tongue in his cheek, "it worked for paperback sales of the 'necronomicon', didn't it?" mr. rhinehold snatched up the demonic puzzle box and thrust it into the fox's chest.

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Ramblings of a teenage demon

necronomicon or lexicon table of contents 1 manipulating beings via their chakra/aura networks 2 controlling animals and half-breeds 3 obtaining the ability to travel to the spirit world freely 4 controlling the mortal beings 5 transporting beings

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