Scythe and Skin
It looked like she was only wearing a feathered cape but if someone was close enough they would be able to see a thin layer that made up a skin suit that was just clear, only darker patches where placed to cover her more sexual bits and nipples.
Of Fur and Skin.
I've often wondered where my life would lead me, until my final hour of life. Yet fate always seems to throw a wrench into the mix just to spice things up. It was a fine late summer afternoon, I'd just come home from a long and taxing day at work. As I...
The Skin Maker.
, and thus too by disjointed proxy, the birth of the skin maker himself
Closing the Skin
She slipped a hand back and felt the folds of skin, growing, quivering, and shifting to suit her figure--perhaps too well.
Second Skin
**second skin** soft... white... still. despite being march, the weather had seemed to take a turn back towards winter and blanketed the city with a fresh layer of white powder.
Skin Deep
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "skin deep" "another bleak morning", thought toki as he stretched in bed, arching his back and ruffling his thick coat.
New Skin
Chapter One "I got it, Mom..." Jackson muttered, stepping out of his mother's bathroom. His newly dyed hair jetted out in various directions, a towel wrapped around his neck to prevent any remaining stray drops to fall harmlessly. Natalia, the...
Skin Flick
Hell, maybe it was a skin flick, a really dirty one to keep us horny soldier boys all primed up.
Pink Skin
Falling dead somewhere around midnight, rolling over aran churred softly while holding his pink skinned prize in his strong arms.
Thick Skin
Much to his chagrin. his skin becoming wrinkled, gray, and...thick. rubbing the flesh up and down his arms over the afflicted spaces denoted a texture that was closer to leather than human skin.
Under the Skin
#1 of under the skin rachel told lucas they could get together on thursday night. she picked the night after checking her pocket calendar.
Skin Deep
Nails dragging across skin ignited a fire like none he had ever felt. he very nearly screamed. gradually, the burning receded and the itching returned.