Sexy Daddy and His Sons - 1

Andrew felt almost embarrassed as he thought back to his own high school years, all the way back in the 80's. it was literally as long ago as the boy had been in existence. that thought amused him.

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The peculiar furmeet

Soft 70's and 80's were dwelling from the speakers. again i yawned. i was tired for sure, but somehow i couldn't get to sleep. after a few minutes i realized i still had my silver tail on. i was sitting on it the whole time.

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Furries University Chapter 4: What's this now?

The show that was on the tv was a documentary on an old 80's band that compromised of a bunch of bisexual rabbits who ended up disbanding after the guitarist was discovered using heroine and then it went downhill for the band as they started having relationships

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The Panda under the Ice

He was sitting in a large leather chair that was placed beside a 80's era water couch that allan was now laying on, "i've missed you." arjay sent love to allan but allan was sending a different message, "you son of a bitch."

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Not Even the Lightning Bugs

Today, low 80's, wispy clouds. the kind of clouds that obscured the sun just enough to make good photography impossible. creating a hazy half-light that drove the eyes mad. either be bright or be dim, sky. don't play shade-games with my eyes!

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Treats (Book7, Chapter13)

I used to live in dc in the 80's. hell, i remember in the spring of '89, reading about albert the third getting hit by a car. it was just a little blurb in the paper.

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Captive Audience 3

Captive audience 3 written by leo\_todrius commissioned by nuwisha55 dan moved slowly through the house, his feet sinking into the old shag carpeting... the same type of carpeting he had grown up with in the late 70's and early 80's.

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Beyond Expectations 02 - Necessities

The little cd player set atop a bar fridge off in the corner went unheard, despite the catchiness of the 80's rock that came from it. instead, paul's full attention fixed on the center of the garage.

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Inkerman Street - Part 4

Maybe not as bad as during the 80's when half my friends died and people wouldn't rent to gays because "fags are a bad risk" or they thought you could catch aids off toilet seats.

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Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 10

Nick had face-palmed during judy's representation of an 80's tv show, not able to keep himself from laughing further if he kept watching. - please, i beg you, do not do that in front of mark. i wouldn't hear the end of it.

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Layfield High: Chapter 1

On his walls were posters of a few 80's bands he enjoyed, and tons of art that he'd drawn in the last year. he had grown excellent at drawing people, in all sorts of says and shapes.

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Trailblazer Part 12

's smash into the gaps to take the corrupted armor on as the cult manages to capture several of the terran machines of war but quickly fall by their crews as they detonate ammunition stores.

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