Chapter 1 ~ For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night

"well when are the auditions?" "tomorrow at 1:00." "do you think you're ready for it?" "i think i will mange, but i'm still really nervous." "you'll be fine." i gave him a reassuring smile.

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13 - True or Lies

The following month, i had to prepare for the audition, but i still got curious. rock was looking our children and the rest of the family was busy, so i caught with magna to know what i should about our world.

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Going Concerns (Chapter 10)

Walbin _supposedly_ did me a favor of auditing the firm after my partner retired and said he found all sorts of irregularities. he said he didn't think the home would survive. 'doubts about your ability to continue as a going concern,' he said."

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Mango and True Speak - 4

You could have worn some cute dresses and gotten much more attention..." she spoke dismissively, as if the audition was already over. nika blushed brighter, shifting on her feet, "i tried that once... and people made fun of me for it..."

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The Broken Heart (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 5)

"he had to stay after school for sax audition. his section leader said he would bring him home." drake said, and looked over at the clock. it read 8:30. "shouldn't he be home by now?" she asked, as she began to panic.

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Club of Wolves ch. 5

No other position i'd auditioned for had ever called back, so despite the crazy patrons and the unfortunate 'uniform' for the club, i had a job to do. i turned towards the piano. "right..." i said. i got up and started to walk.

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Beat - Commission

"are you here for auditions?" the woman's voice was soft as she spoke, sweet as though she could see the apprehension spilling across her face. nani had to gather her senses.

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Possessions (Chapter 18, book7)

"i can write the virus and code it into a midnight audit program. apparently this system is designed to run an automated audit report every night at midnight. it makes changes that will be automatically accepted by the operating system.

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The Wish Chapter II

I endorsed a complete audit of your entire accounting structure. this audit we accomplished while you and the staff were answering questions posed by our security department.

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RP Log: Hero and Villian, Puppy and Kitten 1

Ranjit was on campus at furton medical institute, officially to "audit" a class. unofficially, he was auditing someone in the class.

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Welcome to the Vore House of Klyneth, Var!

That was an audition, apparently. ithilwen here, as well as febbi, nantang, and haloren, all got their own auditions throughout the day and it turns out i've been hired as what they're calling an 'ambassador'.

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