All For Family

The quiet and shy days at the orphanage seemed so much further away, replaced with memories of parent teacher conferences about his rowdy behavior, then the explanation that they weren't like other humans, they were were-lions...

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Snowy Nights

"well i'm not letting you be late again this morning nick, this would be the 6th time this month and i would have to get a call from your principle and deal with parent teacher conferences, and...ugh...just get to school" sarah said as she got up from the

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Danny (EPISODE ONE-Welcome to Lawndale....Oh Boy.....)

Listen, will this require any parent-teacher conferences or anything, and if so, is this the sort of thing my assistant can handle? (pause) okay, great. bye! (hangs up) you two took a psychological test at school today?'

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My Mom is Dating a Werewolf 7

"parent teacher conferences are coming up. i have to finish my amending my lesson plans, grading, and now i have to prepare for this. i hate dealing with some of the parents. some of them are just complete assholes!

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Abducted By Beasts - Chapter 6

To be the one to show up at parent-teacher conferences. to take pictures of her in her prom dress. to walk her down the aisle and pass her off.

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Knowing: Origin [Trade]

._ her first parent-teacher conference had come as a result of her writing a story in class about the house instead of working on a math quiz.

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Robbie 2

He wasn't required to have parent/teacher conferences, as a visiting instructor, but he took the time to write a wonderful letter about you. it always does a parent proud to hear that sort of thing." she licked some of the dough from her paw pads.

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Family Intimacy: Chapter One

They were, after all, a very close family, a fact that had been commented on at numerous parent-teacher conferences during the course of their education, which was coming to the very tail end as they grew into young adults.

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Snake Eyes

It was review time and as such the parents would be coming, almost like a parent teacher conference back home... but the settlement school saw it as more. it was a chance for family participation, an exchange of ideas back and forth.

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Azzy's New Jewelry

The school knew kids wouldn't concentrate well with this looming and gave them they day off so they could run parent-teacher conferences. therefore, she had today mostly to herself.

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