Curse of the Heart Ch: 1
** Curse of the Heart** **Ch. 1 : Shadows; past, present, future** ** ** Jake Kreitz was a happy child, despite growing up during a terrible war, his family lived far enough into their territories that they never felt the threat of Mishaka's...
New Perspectives
A pinpoint of neon green light stood against the vast darkness of the cosmos, racing between stars at physics-bending speeds. Randosm's navigation subsystems crunched calculations, thousands by the second, plotting his course between the many hazards...
Drift - 03 - Utopia
**DRIFT** (Utopia) Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Dariuswhitefur **[May 1st, 2092]** Despite the Drake's best air filtration systems, the living quarters on the space ship were musky, humid and dank. Dustin's purple eyes were...
Elsewhere, Chapter 10: Intercept Course
"Dropping out of hyperspace," Astra said. "Beginning scan." _I hope this is the one._Asuka braced her hands on the central console and stared at the holofield. _Gotta get some shuteye soon._Even though her prosthetic body didn't require rest, her...
Vixen invasion
Part 1 "Oh, Doug when you're done stocking those shelves please come into my office." Eric said. The twenty four year old male coyote looked at the wolf and finished his work. Though something about his manager's tone of voice seemed to raise a red...
Drift - 01 - Dog Days
Dustin explained, "while we have limited colonies on the moon, we are still a species very much in the infancy of space travel. still, the drive is within us to look to the heavens, reach out our hand and... try to... grab it."
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 89: Nothing We Do Makes Any Difference Whatsoever
**Chapter 89: Nothing We Do Makes Any Difference Whatsoever** _Traveler's Log space date 07;23;34 _ _Milo Silver reporting. My friend and I have successfully escaped the apocalypse and are on the adventure of a lifetime courtesy of some friends -...
Drift - 02 - Endless Shadow
It was almost like traveling back through time as the tentacle headed chut reverted from space travel to atmospheric travel, then cell phones, then land lines.
Welcome to Gale Side Resort
Sunlight, unhindered by the atmosphere of planets and clouds, traveled freely through the cold empty vacuum of space moving faster than any current sentient made vessel could hope to achieve, until all to abruptly it lit up the silver colored side of a...
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 90: Everything Is Fine....
"that is right the technology on your world did not progress far enough for space travel. hey, don't touch that!" "wha?" panda lee asked. "it used to be some type of cargo or storage bay. now it just leads outside." "outside?"
Hey, wolf... Wake up. The Complete Story
Hey, wolf... Wake up. The Complete story A patrol cruiser, black and white, pulls along the sidewalk next to you and honks, its lights turning on. Several furries jump back, and you start to run, but soon realize that it is foolish, as the car...
So when aisa, a publicly funded organisation, proposed space travel and colonisation of seilyr, it was undertaken with some significant caveats to prioritise the health and ecology of the moon, and to avoid extractive, for-profit industry.