False Ambush
Arby and ildeon make their way through the woods, the folf warrior and deer druid on an epic quest.
World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas - pt3
The druid had fallen for the lion's ploy.
World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas Chapter 3 - REmastered
The druid had fallen for the lion's ploy.
The Greatest Disgrace – Limits
"what are you doing sleeping next to an alliance druid salvo? i know you have a good reason for this?" the goblin said, keeping his weapon trained on the sleeping druid.
Invading Will Chapter 14
"druids have never been ones to start wars. and by druids in this case, i'm going back to when the elves still roamed these lands. so the idea of a druid leading a war against the south seemed impossible.
Meet Me at the Tower (Patreon Extreme)
It had a bustle of activity from within as various druids went about their business. at the very base of the structure was one druid of some renown, waiting patiently for her entourage to arrive.
When Druids Cross Faction - Conflict and Emotions
But no tree could hold a druid for long. together, the druids decided to transform their bodies, freeing themselves from the hindering roots while assuming a form in which both druids felt more comfortable, ready to run or to battle.
Chapter Ten
She sensed no animosity from the other druid. the druid that had, in truth, saved her life. the druid that had been nothing but kind to her and her own nontraditional partner.
Bitch of Beasts Part II (OLD)
Just as before, the druid made his way to his den, where he chose to bathe himself.
The Wizard's Tower 2c - FA Version
Of all of the adventurers to answer the call, valon could think of only one worse than a druid, and that was purely practical. he loathed druids.
Gadgetzan: Fun For All the Family!
His brother asked, peering the druid over in search of this aforementioned effect. khyed sighed softly before speaking, "it...
WoW: Broken Bonds
Unlike most other tauren druids, he had no special affection for the tenuous peace agreement between druids of the separate factions. all night elves could burn for all he cared.