Magic and Mishaps
The bug may have been a few feet taller than him but at the end of the day, it was still a stick bug. it had no real natural weapons and, comparatively, very little mass.
No more quagsire, just a very pleased, wiggly lump deep in milo's belly, and a very satisfied-looking bug. a bug with quite a lot of digestion on his plate for the rest of the night, that was for sure!
Little Bug
If little bug she wanted to be today, then little bug she would be treated as. june had always liked jack's apartment.
The Triple Milker, Part 4
Two tentacles uncoiled from the bug and wrapped around the two cocks, holding them firmly in place as the bug started to lower itself down.
Little Flat of Horrors - Part 2 (Vore Story)
The big, fat bug started to roll over towards the edge of the couch, putting a hoof down at the same time and knocking alan right to the floor!
Teaching A Harsh Lesson
The bug looked coy, sly even as he giggled a bit. "you got it, my little bug slut..."
Unlikely Alliance- Chapter 15
Would bug types?
Ridesharing (Vore Story)
What on earth was the "bug taxi" option?
choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure 3
Dare (the pidgey) against his next... caterpie, god damn bug catchers!
Rebirth ch13
It should be another month and a half before the bug catching kids start to come out to catch their first bug pokemon, and shortly after that, the new trainers with their starters."
Protesting Pegasus Protein
Lunar rose and bug go hunting, and happen to capture sweet treat and sky spear as treats.story by doomfisterposted using postybirb originally posted on 2021-03-03.
Overencumbered (Vore/Ovi Story)
The bug was back. tariel stayed deathly still as he heard and felt the bug approaching, completely stricken with fear over all the possibilities there were for what was going to happen to him.