Huff Puff Pant

._ anyhow, that's how things got the way they were now; the good queen, outraged at this unprovoked slaughter, demanded restitution and an explanation, as she had right to do, and the human union - without a word in reply - accepted the exodus of refugees

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The Red Ones

For all of the lesser crimes, the punishments involved little more than progressively higher fines, forfeiture of certain assets, and combined restitution and punitive payouts to the victims.

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Revelations - Chapter 36: Opportunity Knocks

It'll all be covered at least; the judge granted us full restitution last week, so diego's going to have to pay for it," she said. "well that's good at least. wish i'd known he'd knocked your teeth out. i'd have done the same to him.

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Chapter the Eighth: Sojourn

"kalafax would not accept that we had pillaged their towns out of restitution for their attacks on our own, and called us heathen monsters! he said that we were beasts, and we should be conquered!

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Kalderan Forest: Hawkwind Pass Part 9

Owners or studs using aggressive tactics outside the scope of mating rituals or studding is cause for immediate disqualification and loss of entry fees, as well as restitution payments for any damages caused." "this is some sex arena?"

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As a good leader, i will make any restitution to the transylvania-moravian wolves and to their families. had i truly ordered such a strike, the scions would not have lived to come here, if you know what i mean..."

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Maxton Bradshaw, the Molester

The reader should note that our caprine administrator of moral restitution can be quite brutal to his more prolifically bad victims. however, everything that has taken place and will take place is necessary for the molester to learn his lesson.

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More Rest

{well first lets a dress thievery, simple theft should be some form of restitution to the aggrieved party. while i think major theft be punishable by public flogging}. tammy speaks up, "what about children who are being foolish though?"

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I know that won't bring them back to life but i am willing to make restitution." the baron nodded his head with a slight smile. "being a chipmunk can make a man humble and rogues who steal deserve their fate.

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Said the joker to the thief

And he, or his_shekh_, has offered restitution: twenty-five _aram_ for the chaldonaya, and a hundred for the patient consideration of the colonial office in reviewing this appeal."

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Sixes Wild: Hare Trigger

Allow me to make restitution." he plants wet kisses down the lips of my nethers. i bite my tongue to keep from crying out. his breath curls over my fur. i grip the mattress as his tongue enters me. at first, it's just holding steady.

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Zendao Bios (unfinished novel idea)

Although unable to convince the lord to punish the samurai for his actions, the bastard dragon did manage to guilt his father into paying restitution for the young boy's funeral.

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