Reward of the Hunt

\>Out hunting animals for hide and other resources. \>Got Senu up in the air spotting prey. \>I can see through her eyes, but it's a bit more than that. She does most of the work but we both have some influence over her body. \>I can tell she's...

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Wrestler's Reward

#76 of patreon reward vignettes fifth vignette for fa: kobaltthewolf , again featuring fa: codestoat cody is feeling playful and decides to pin kobalt down. well, his tail.

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Stella's Reward

Fix, princess may sees fit to reward stella for her efforts.

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Homework's Reward

"it didn't take _that_long" protested spotty, "besides, it was pretty hard" "well" charlie started, "maybe you deserve a little reward then", shi finished, a small grin showing on hir face.

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Champion's Reward

The sun could be seen rising over the shallow hilltops, birds awakening to sing their songs, deer and other animals emerging to look for food. The morning was cold, a slight fog half-heartedly covering the ground. Large wisps of clouds could be seen...

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Reward for a Maiden

Is the slave ready for her reward?" marty asked."mmm mphh," jessica moaned.marty found the lube he kept with the gear. he had never gone raw with jessica but he planned to one of these days.

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Hero's Reward

**hero's reward** it was a clear morning, the sun risen above the horizon to bathe the area in glorious rays. the bipedal amphibian by the name of frog stood upon the grass land, his hands holding onto a sword.

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Quest Reward!

After all, a good adventure deserved a good reward, or _several_good rewards. some part of her just wanted to nap on the worgen's belly. it was so perfectly soft, warm, and comfortable. like a bed made of heaven.

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A Gentleman's Reward

Having a positive experience with a blind date felt more like a trope than a real possibility, but Rock was riding a high that he'd never known before, on the other side of such an evening. With Autumn still hanging on his arm, he pushed the door of...

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The Thief's Reward

"Where I come from," the man began, walking in circles around the petrified youth, "it is considered rude to barge into another person's house, and it is considered even ruder to steal from them. Why did you do this? What do you have to say for...

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Scamper's Reward

Scamper's reward by, swsp --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **the following contains zoophilia sex between an anthro male and a feral male stallion.

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Champion's Reward

All in all, i'd say i got pretty well rewarded. edited by skippotter

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