Sloshy Somblob
shining armor pulled back from the ass covered in sweat and panting heavily.
Things That Sparkle and Shine
Things that glitter and shine jonathan scholtzhauer was carefully arranging the newest pieces of antique jewelry that he had acquired, at no small expense, to the lavish display that immediately drew the attention of anyone who entered his shop.
**furry christmas** **chapter two** **rise and shine** by stephan glazer. 25th december 2318 swan valley western australia.
Hang a shining star
._ "hang a shining star," by rob baird --- he turned the metallic strip over and over in his fingers, fidgeting. _helios starlines 262_, the etched ticket read. _seat 16j._ the shepherd was no stranger to starships.
Rise N' Shine
With the two foxes close together, it seemed the weather will change for the better. The wind stopped howling and even the temperature rose a few degrees, which began the thaw of the grass. The sun rose from the west, it's rays of light barely breaking...
Dark Shine Eyes
"dark shine" they called before modern science recoined it "basil radiation". the light in a basilisk's eyes that can kill. it doesn't turn you to stone like the legends said. it just kills people, i guess. not too quick but not too slow.
Buffed to Shine (Comm)
Fahen slowly padded onward, step after step on the treadmill, getting in a daily workout. The hybrid sergal / wolf, or sergolf as he preferred, made sure to come to the gym enough to stay fit and healthy, though he'd often joke with a few friends that...
Flora: Rhyme and Shine
As the morning came, orange lights began to filter into a single window in a room. That small bit of sunshine was enough to brighten the room a bit but not enough to disturb most of the people gathered on the bed. One of the figures in the bed began to...
Path of the Shining Sun
Posted using postybirb path of the shining sun monk tradition flurry of fire starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can hurl searing motes of fire. you gain a new attack option that you can use with the attack action.
Her Shining Knight
She'd happily give herself to her shining knight any day.
Shine on Harvest Moon
Nat's pouty growls always made me giggle, and seeing her eyes shine like that harvest moon reminded me why i really brought her out here.
My Shining Light
My shining light