Experimentations (A Lesson in Beginnings) Prologue

Just then toumas head started to spin and trix got very blurry, a second later touma drifted off to an unconscious state.

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back stabbing snivy betrayed absol and the celibi who cant die

As an old friend i'll give you a year's head start. use your time wisely." "as to you because if i ever see you again i will kill you". the absol turns and leaves down the path slowly as if taunting snivy to launch an attack.

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Ch7 Consious

Oh come now, it wont be that ba-" the head started, before being literally cut in half. a black and white husky had burst through the skull, covered in some sort of royal blue aura.

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Ch. 12 -- Burn the Past

"wanted to make sure she had plenty of head start", said shannon, "i must say, you coming here yourself is a surprise. as if your being here would have somehow helped convince your son to return." weston frowned. "oh, i see.

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Even so, shiveneve always enjoyed a good chase, and let shira have a full minute head-start, one that gave the smaller creature a nearly one-kilometer head start.

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He Who Would Be Master: 8 (Angel's Eyes)

"othello has officially gotten a two day head start on you," j growled annoyed. angel gulped, annoyance raising up in him now, like some contagious bug. "head start?" "yeah!" james walked back over and dropped a heavy hand on top of angel's head.

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And a Canine to Step On Me!

He could do that... or get a head start on presents! "your loss buddy!" jake yelled into the megaphone before running off down the side of the hallway.

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Nothing But A Little Rivalry Competition

Since blackjack already had a head start, rocket was the first of them to emit precum. seeing that was enough to make blackjack chuckle; he knew this first round was in the bag for him.

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Sabhira's Daughter #14

Considering they'd been drinking all night and had a few inches head-start on me, i think i represented the female gender rather well!" replied muz-ra with a hurt expression. | [!

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Lelianna's Jr. high Adventures 2

.\* he said stroking faster, his cock-head started to flare, heralding of his approaching climax. the stallion imagined every dirty thing he would do to the little girl.

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