(C) Double/Double Kill

Strangling was his main method, using extra durable zip ties around a girl's neck. not easily pulled off or cut. but the white tiger was special, and he did not want to risk it. he recognized her the moment she walked in.

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I Will Go Screw Myself

A small flask had been contained in the peak of his sleeve, akin to the old method used to carry cigarettes in ages gone by. "putting a drop or two of this into it," he explained.

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How the Herd Spreads 2

All she could have done with the herd was use them as targeting methods, using their eyes to track the plane as it darted about the city so that she was never blind to it. as it came her way, she wasn't even sure if she was angry or happy.

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Pokebrothel 18

Her face displayed a cheerful smile, as if their objectives were the same and the methods used agreeable. either she had no objections, or knew not to question her master, or perhaps she knew a better time to express herself.

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Chapter 4: The Last Resort Resort

One would wonder about the training methods used to achieve that power. finally, there was an epic battle between maylene and jonathan's lucario, respectively.

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A completely synthetic approach, it took over from the previous method, using /escherichia coli/ bacteria as biological factories, because the bugs had mutated into something dangerous.

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Bors: A Warmaster Jack Novella Part Four

I tried to figure out what jack meant as he methodically used the cloth to wipe the human off. the man was filthy, covered in matted hair and dirt, probably from the dungeon. a few minutes later heam came back in, the bucket now full of steaming water.

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Forging Bonds-Chapter 22: School Blues

I believed there was a correlation between accepting this side of me and the frequency of my climaxes, even if the method used wasn't adequate at bamboozling my heat. each time i peaked, or he did, it got me a little closer to him.

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Rabbit Test Chapter: Thirteen

He had not seen this method used before, nor remembered when he had gone thru this himself a number of years earlier. rich's answers also enlightened the buck about the young human he already knew.

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The Life of a Pokemon Breeder: Chapter 1

"this liquid is a brand new method used to take dna samples from pokemon. if we combine the substance with a blood sample from your pokemon, we can use the data to identify their breeding capabilities, growth, and hidden abilities, if they have any."

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Preying on the Past - Ch. 1 Bridging Two Worlds

I recognized it as common method used by lycans to carry critical items such as id's or housekeys. i actually had one on my own wrist, the black cloth matching my fur.

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Tales of Airethe 20: Abbey Park

They are already dead so methods used in swiftly dispatching mortal enemies are not as effective when employed against them.' she sips her tea and swallows, licking her lips. 'the older they are, the more powerful they become.

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