Survival of the Fittest Pt3 - Cadet matches part one of two

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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One Cock Two Cock Ram Cock New Cock

Zed opened up the room to his hotel, the broad bull smiling down at the married couple in his bare, naked glory. "Come on in, my dears..." He stepped away from the door to let them past, resting his hands on top of...

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Transformation Stream Story 15: Were-One, Were-Two

Were-One, Were-Two for Taiko By Draconicon The green drake blushed as he wandered through the small forest outside Novus Ager. During the day, they'd looked like any other place. At night, as anywhere else, it seemed a great deal worse. "I...

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Chapter 4: One Groom, Two Brides, and Two Brooms

Henry awakens to a muffled argument coming from beyond the bedroom door. He rolls over onto his back and rubs the sleep out of his eyes, groggily taking in his surroundings. He's lying by himself on the same bed as last night, right next to the pile of...

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Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapters One Hundred One and One Hundred Two

\*\*\*\*\* Chapter One Hundred One \*\*\*\*\* The First built three new urd'thin to replace those who died. He returned the rest of his scattered children back to the oasis, and left them suspended in time. Now that he realized he had to build their...

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Southern Fried Gator 3: One lil two lil three lil gators

Ok a new story. Yay right???? This picks up after SFG2 so enjoy i got 2 more parts after this one. Both Evens and Rupert were a bit wore out from the romp they had upstairs in the main bathroom. Evens decided he would head on down to his...

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Mystery caller Revealed, the Fall Craftsmen’s Fair and a Red Halloween! part one of two

Mystery caller Revealed, the Fall Craftsmen's Fair and a Red Halloween! All of the characters except Alex and Jake Morris belong to me Alex and Jake are on loan from wiiplayer1996 and belong to him! Part 1 of 2 The next day Tobi's ears perked up as...

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Teilhaber – CAW Universe - Book One - Chapter Two - Life Never Changes - Revision 1

CHAPTER TWO Life Never Changes That Was Different - Revision 1 The next morning, after Thomas finished his breakfast, he picked up a gi for himself, and one for M'Sara at the Workout and General supplies shop that was just down the hall from the...

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The Twelfth Fairway

We hadn't gotten to the ones on two yet. heh, ones on two." "how long have you been doing this?" katlego cried. "having sex? since before you were born, dear." "i think he means on the course."

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The Hyena’s Concubine CH19

"eventually his forces cornered us outside the capital and we fought the fluffy bastard one-on-two.", timon said. "during the fight, timon manage to distract him with his magic.", pumbaa continued.

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chibi kingdom hearts !

on two chili pepper or are you gonna flee like you always do ?"

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