Training For His Mistress
seed of males who had been slightly more fortunate than ardanis was to be, but it was certain that no one made it through an experience in the mansion without pain to accompany every bit of pleasure that they felt.
Breeding His Mother
Conversely, with that in mind, it was strange that males in the midst of breeding were driven to mark their females too, wasting seed that could be better placed elsewhere.
Chapter 22: Changes
However, the sight of all of chris' wasted seed on the matting startled her. how could the man produce that much? "no, i didn't infect him. he... i didn't want to tell him. he inherited this from his father.
Home town Hero...
She glanced down to her father's spent semi hard organ, resting in a puddle of her sires wasted seed. that male organ looking small and useless, next to the donkey's huge fully erect organ.
Orgy at the Orphanage (Monster Rancher, cub/adult yiff) Commission for Kamekazitiger and Readasaur
Then all hare could do was cum and cum, his cock spurting an eruption of gloriously wasted seed that didn't so much dribble onto the floor as explode in gooey, heavy strands over the chest of his companion as he lay scant inches away.
Monster Orphanage - Part 02
Then all hare could do was cum and cum, his cock spurting an eruption of gloriously wasted seed that didn't so much dribble onto the floor as explode in gooey, heavy strands over the chest of his companion as he lay scant inches away.
Thick white bull milk spilling out to make a third puddle on the floor along with jay and dereks wasted seed. "my dick is yours to commanded, just like my tail hole is yours to enjoying my friend."
Beat At His Own Game
My dad always said that those people who mixed it up were wasting seed, they were only gonna dilute what they were supposed to have. the kids ain't gonna get stronger if their genes are part softy." "so? you're gay anyway."
Trooper Chapter 2
At some point, the pathetic male had cum, strands of wasted seed painting the black leather over his belly. "god damn," i heard myself speak unconsciously. gradually, my father's climax subsided and left him panting.
First Impressions chapter 12
seed down into the drains.
Stable breeding
He watched his stud shiver and spill his seed all over the floor, adding to the lords knew how many layers of wasted seed, tens of gallons of purebred spunk thrown away as if it was a donkey's accidental misfire.