A Subtle Symbiosis (M/M)

Unlike the faux absinthe first drink, he did not consume it quickly. brutus got a second double whiskey. "do you ever shut up?"

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Welcome to Safety

Those that teach it are a rarity outside of dionysia, and those that know it rarely--if ever--use it. 3 greenroot ale is a kind of alcohol similar to a fusion of beer and absinthe made using kallistian greenwood roots.

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The Resort: Part Two (And A Half... For Mister Winger!)

"i think hir name is absinthe," he said. "you know hir?" shi wracked hir brains, thinking back to the resort directory television channel that shi had spent several fascinated hours watching that morning.

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011 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.03

Listen, it's not like absinthe won't knock back your cyclops or oni back for six or anything, but sometimes you crave the senses and tastes that only some species can indulge in. such as: literal fire and poison.

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Chapter 5- The Slip

He grabbed a bottle with green liquid, absinthe. acara grinned, and willingly opened her mouth to drink some. the musician pulled the cork out and poured a decent amount of it into the cat's open muzzle, then did the same for his self.

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Farewell, my detective. (Nº1)

We walked to a bar called fairy wings, it had a big neon green sign on the front it was of a fairy hugging a bottle of absinthe. there became our meeting place and marked the beginning of our friendship.

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Staggering to his feet, he looked like he'd downed ten absinthe bottles. he yawned as he walked over to the fire and knocked over the pot. "alright, let's get some shuteye!"

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New Slave

The drinks they served were faggy shit like absinthe and other pretentious drinks. the bear nursed his drink grimacing as his taste buds vomited on each other. it reminded him of the cough syrup that his mother made him drink as a child.

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A Date at Da Vinci

She asked for a silver spoon, but the bar had no such thing until the bartender produced a flat, ornate device used for dissolving sugar cubes into absinthe. she thanked him and purposely put it in her mouth.

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Kira & Kane 1 - ein außergewöhnlicher Abend

„das ist doch absinth, oder?" der große lächelte und nickte. „probier doch mal, kleiner. am anfang ist es etwas ungewohnt, doch du gewöhnst dich dran. außerdem ist es ja auch nur ein glas zum anstoßen."

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Flamechild - Standalone Erotic Story

Rowen nodded, once more returning his gaze to his lover's absinthe eyes. he spread her legs with his paws, and returned his paw to her grasp, immediately feeling her nervous claws dig into him, as slowly, he approached her vagina.

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