Cecil Changes CHPT 4: The Reunion

#4 of cecil changes cecil changes chpt 4: the reunion * * * hey guys, sorry it took so long! i've been uber busy lately, and literally just finished exams yesterday, so yea. but it's finally here! enjoy people!

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6 : BlindSighted

However, scilius was looking at cecil, whom he'd love to banish and be alone with elliot. elliot, for possibly the same reason, had favored against cecil as-well. "you go." she started, pointing at cecil. "why?"

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4 : BlindSighted

cecil didn't say much, but sat behind them both and focused on his book. scilius took advantage of cecil's lack of attention. "elliot." he whispered.

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Black Card, Broken Exchange

cecil began but completely forgot the woman's name after the wet kiss she planted on him. "tamara," she said, sitting down next to cecil on the bed. "and what's your name?" "cecil," he said, again gulping deeply.

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Pokemon Boarding School: Playing with Planes

This is it, thought cecil. this is where i'll be sitting for the rest of the day as punishment.

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How It Goes - Part 5

"cecil. cecil lennox. we've got history and geography together." the bunny extends his paw. "i know." scott reciprocates the shake, glancing around.

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Fox Ambush

The club is more active than cecil and kyle would have expected. and seems kyle is in for a surprise in the end. ~~~~~kyle's pov~~~~~ i make my way through the halls of school on a friday afternoon, heading back towards cecil's room.

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When Master's Away

Snow craned his head down to take the tip of cecil's length into his mouth. "o-oh... master." cecil cooed, petting between snow's ears in approval. hips rocked forward into the warmth that arcanine maw provided and snow gave a low, lustful growl.

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Peas in a Pod Part 3

These newcomers were none other than harvey's younger brother, cecil, and cecil's college buddy, mike.

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How It Goes Epilogue - The Bright End of Nowhere

cecil scowls at him for a moment when walt slips his hand into the rabbit's trousers; there's a loud, almost painful squeak as cecil looks up at the weasel, and then at tom with a realising expression.

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