Chapter 3

The lack of general contact with the guards as well as the environmental suits earlier had done an excellent job of keeping monica's gender a secret to xenia.

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A Stitch in Reality (Suited for Adventure Part 5) [COM]

Their starship could withstand a lot of environmental hazards, but the heat and radiation that such a giant gave off would test even their formidable tech.

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Law and Orders

None would apply in the environmental exclusion zone. humans never entered and only remotely monitored and kept the wildlife refuge in check. but the contract only enforced the first law.

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Ode to Pollution

Easy to fleece for pollution isn't limited to the seas or the skies liberating people from new-age propaganda and lies truly, he is a leader, a manipulative son of a bleep herding the masses of mindless sheep this rogue, this pyke, the enemy of environmental

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Episdoe 3B: The Naked Eternity

She had the environmental controls bottomed out at 18 celsius and everyone was complaining, but she couldn't get cold.

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The Parahuman Baseline

environmental tolerances: parahumans can tolerate a lower range of oxygen partial pressures than humans due to their blood.

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Contact and Assesment

All of the living animal specimens were alive and well, cared for by the probes environmental programs. they would be of no use dead. altogether many thousands of samples & specimens were collected.

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Astro boy and the buried boner part 2

"now you're an environmental terrorist." atlas gasped. "do what?" "yup." zoran replied.

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Rolls to dodge attacks) **flight** [racial background] (as the monster ability) **homunculous** [racial background] (construct traits, +1 on agility rolls to dodge attacks from armor, spirit may never be advanced beyond d6, +2 bonus to resist all negative environmental


Second Chance

2nd panel: 3 people in futuristic power armour/environmental suits with scanners in what looks like a building. it could be a bunker. the walls are covered in ice.

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La Farfalla

I am an environmental chemist. melody has long black hair that waves its way around her face, and my short, straight blonde hair doesn't even compare. she shines whenever she smiles, she bounces around without a care in the world.

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