The League

It was a mutually heartfelt hug. fenny held it for a few moments before letting go and stood back. 'that's what friends are for, right?' garna grinned, as did fenny. their moment was interrupted once cassidy exited her room.

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With a quick motion, the arms were around me before i could react a mimes mumble of something heartfelt was said, the words must of been exact i just didn't hear clear, & it became a moment to reflect on for another day fluttered, i didn't say another word

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The Trapped Bird

The song i sing is a solemn and heartfelt prayer i life to god in the hopes of being free and there is no way of silencing it, no muffling it, no way of making it stop at all. i must be free!

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A Shower Together

The next sentence came almost out of the blue, but it was heartfelt. "...i wish i wasn't sterile anymore." he rested his head on her shoulder. "i know, i will do anything in my power to knock you up." she smiled and nuzzled his cheek; "you'd do that?

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Judgment of Two Worlds

"your request is a heartfelt and honest one nothing's purer than one from the heart. i admire that about you orion and with the clan mark you bare it alone warrants respect. give us till dawn to discuss your heartfelt request.

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Flawed Affections: Chapter 2

It were as if two foxes who hadn't seen each other for years were now running towards one another to give the deepest sort of heartfelt embrace and rejoin in a long since anticipated reuniting.

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Hotel Emperador - Epilogue: Day 180

Alroc left the counter to approach the reptile and receive him with a heartfelt hug. "xadu! it's good to see you again. it gets boring after only messaging each other for months." the wolf spoke with a smile.

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Fish and Bird

The shark took a moment to listen to his boyfriend, the needy groans and whines were music to his ears, a song of heartfelt desire that might tug on anyone else's heartstrings, but only added fuel to the burly predator's arousal.

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Soul Drinking - Part 5

After a heartfelt reunion of crying and hugging, milly found herself in the living room that she practically grew up in. all the pictures and decorations still dotted the walls and shelves, including a few baby pictures milly had forgotten about.

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A Dragon's Path - Chapter Six

The three dragons exchanged one last, heartfelt farewell. they told each other how much they loved each other, and skytail promised to take care of herself, and to return one day. then, she left to go see nightclaw.

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Changes - Part 1.0

When it was time to go, charlie gave his friends a heartfelt hug, said goodbye, and left without ever looking back. he returned home and saw the mover huskies finishing up, securing furniture in the truck and shutting the doors.

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