Collector Manson

Everyone relaxed in their own ways, some went to bed others soaked in the communal bath. the two boys coward in the corner away from everyone. they attempted to sleep, but they had not yet earned their beds according to the others.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 41: Conclusion (We Go Down Together Part VII)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 41: Conclusion (We Go Down Together Part VII)** October 5th, YOE 35 (Continued) 7:22 PM Madam Olga's Psychic Truths (Exeter Station's Bazaar) "UGG what a long day! I think Ritz had me check...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 48: An Another World (The Other World Part III)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 48: An Another World (The Other World Part III)** Day N/A (I am an Other.) The synoptic went to check on the status of its vessels after the failed rescue attempt by Lady Ursa and Sir Ram. The orc...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 24: The Extraordinary Is In What We Do Not Who We Are

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 24: The Extraordinary Is In What We Do Not Who We Are ** April 9th YOE 35 5:35 AM The she beast's chambers (Castle Wundagore) _A she beast prepares for he morning Essence of Winter...._ My...

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Study Buddies

Then because she'd brought it up realized that he reeked of sex just as much as she did and wouldn't be able to leave his room without anyone and everyone to and from the communal bathing and grooming area knowing what he'd been up to.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 25: We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know....

The day tauren and i met and he introduced me to the beastial custom of communal bathing- i remember he came in the shower stall painting the entire wall of the shower with his semen. from what i knew of tauren when he came he really came! "oh!

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Nebula Wine

Others were already playing in the communal bathing area, but they seemed to sense that i needed a moment alone as i stood on my two pairs of hind legs and used my upper limbs to brush through my fur.

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A hot communal bath seemed like an excellent priority when we got home again, and then we fell in a heap on the couch, watching the model ice skaters and listening to jingly music box christmas music.

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Master's Reward

And the lack of space leant their communal bathing place an air of intimacy it might otherwise have lacked.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 85: Corbin (You Needed Me Part One)

I was left out of our morning routine the exercises, the communal bathing and even the good morning sex. although i am pretty confident that my fierce ursine warrior did not sex corbin. breakfast was also the same as dinner the previous night.

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A Quiet Farewell

Although not explicitly stated, the public bath was occupied almost exclusively by adults after a certain hour to pursue more lurid activities than communal washing.

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