At Peace

She sat up, feeling her leg brush something, and pulled the covers up. bizzy was asleep, as was her absol at the bottom of the bed. she grinned and covered bizzy back up, then slid off and looked herself down.

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Forge of Heroes - Mania

Luckily, her affair was with another painted dog, so it was easier to cover up. imagine if he'd been the result of her union with a cat? he'd look like that...tea? no, tai! he'd be like that tai.

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The Bedtime Story

Meanwhile, his son got all tucked into his bed, the tip of his tail pushing the covers up and down slightly as it wagged in anticipation. he quietly sat down and cleared his throat, getting situated in his new seat.

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Saturday Morning

"cover up" ron said as he looked away and mike zipped up his pants. "sorry" i said to ron as i looked down at the floor.

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Boyfriend Pt. 2 {Despair}

He pulled the covers up over both of them and snuggled up to joey's back, putting an arm over his boyfriend possessively. he would protect joey, no matter what!

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Love in a Dark World

Cody blushed and covered up his crotch with his paw and the pair quickly sorted through the piles of clothing. the rabbit had suggested to put the special clothes into closet and his casuals into the chest of drawers.

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Make Way for Jay! (Jays Harem of School Girls a Pokemon Fan fic)

"my name is bruce sir and i will be escorting you to the academy" he was a massive machoke and was very well refined, he had a suit on that covered up his massive muscles and he spoke with a posh accent. "well okay then bruce take me away!"

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Beating the Heat [RO]

Jack also had on his well-wore socks despite the heat in a naïve--and ultimately backward--attempt to cover up his athlete's foot.

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Poem #29: Truth and Lies

up all the pain, the misery, and the mistakes.

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He kept the overalls close to himself to cover up the massive erection he now had for seeing a very large nearly-naked wolf in his hallway. "uhhhh..." zero drooled. ron smiled, "hey silverback, would you like a temporary job here?

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My baby cousin - 2

He calmed down a little and then i pulled up on my pants' leg again, moving my cock close to him, and when he was reaching out to touch it, i gently tapped his paw and covered up again.

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