Never Surrender... (The Struggle, and its Futility)

You shall keep your filthy paws to yourself, even if i have to chain them together and lose the key!"

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Arcturus Prelude : Flaming Skies

"you keep your filthy paws off my son!" this was his father speaking. he was just as black as his son and quite imposingly large. he was on his knees in the middle of the room, hands shackled behind him. his gun leant against the wall.

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A Day to Reminisce

The houndoom takes a second to lap at the taste as well with his tongue cleaning that filthy paw in no time.raymond continues his repetitions, looking down at star with a sultry glance, squealing with joy with each time he throws his body down on that expanding

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A Beast Learns To Live - Chapter 14

Keep your filthy paws to yourself, you hear me?" his smile faded and he tilted his head in confusion. "i don't understand." valeska scoffed. "and i'm supposed to..." she trailed off as she gave him a once-over with her eyes.

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Magical Adventures: A Pungent Encounter

"because now you'll always be thinking about me and my filthy paws, even when you're not playing the game." as ren whimpered and struggled, the rat chuckled in amusement at his distress.

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The Other Side of the Line

"get your filthy paws off me!" tom cowered in the corner of the bed, just whimpering and staring up at quinn. after a few minutes, the fox walked back to the doorway from where he had come.

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building to desaster

Sara nearly yelped as she felt a hand run up her inner thigh and cup her mound through her panties. she felt the press of the fat tabby's gut in the small of her back as he leaned over her, cupping her breast in a filthy paw "oh, we're gonna have some

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Unstable Future - Chapter 14

They plan on making themselves into an army of invincible giant monsters that will grind humanity beneath their filthy paws. "i will not allow that.

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Dirty Dicks

He grinned, then put his filthy paw on his own erection, his mate's droppings dirtying his manhood quickly. his tongue flicked over the tip of derek's cock, then he closed his lips around it tight, and suckled more gently than before.

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White as Snow: Mind Games

"and soon i won't be able to hide him with my powers; they'll doing anything to get their filthy paws on him, even if it means cutting me open."

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My Save Family- Chapter 2

"because my boy i don't want their filthy paws touching anything near me. infecting me with their germs. course if it makes you feel better i'd sell you to those buyers if they made me an offer."
