Kal/Daz's Sultry Jungle Hideaway, Part 4/5

Mouthfuls of food, compliments, occasional idle chatter, and a scattered few sweet nothings later, the table more closely resembled the remains of a food fight, as the plates were largely devoured

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Chapter 8: Birthday R&R

Before long, the entire party devolved into a food fight, pieces of cake getting flung around at people while everyone took shelter at various places in the room.

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Rexville 27: Lovestruck Wolf & Heartbroken Wolf

"he almost accidentally started a food fight in the cafeteria by throwing a muffing at the new kid in school. a teacher saw everything, so he is now at school until five, and rylan will pick him up later." "it's already five."

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 30

"you mean aside from the kids trying to start another food fight?" ron asked with a smirk.

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The Grin Paws - Chapter 2: The Grin Revealed

The wolf giggled as his friends seemed to want to get into an all out food fight.  "i guess leaving a tip wouldn't be a bad idea in the end..."  fox shrugged.

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track day

The tiger said growling and leaping at frank grabbing him by the throat a fight then broke out, not a food fight but a fight!

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A Humble Request II

Foraging for food, fighting for territory, avoiding predators. i'm a lot stronger than i was back then, too. training has that effect, i guess. but it's hard to readjust, after losing the creature comforts of a warm home and hot meals and a bed.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Thirty-Seven

I saw the supposed food fight one, but that's it." mrs. davis smiled and shook her head ruefully, "it's just muddled memories, silly stuff.

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Iron and Rust Chapter 2

He observed the antics of the rowdier bunch, fondly reminiscing of an incident during the trip to camp when some of the kids had decided to start a food fight with his group of friends.

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Double Lion; Ep. 1, Rescue

He started a food fight! nichole ducked her head inside the large over coat that was her shell and hid in it while the two brothers threw food at one another.

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The Vore House of Klyneth - Devious Carnivore Naga

Just be still, don't kick 'till i'm pushing you down my form; i love it when my food fights back, but trust me when i sssay you don't want to kick me in the teeth, you'll just get ssstabbed."

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