
I got a magic sword and everything. well needle, but you know it was a sword for mice." "you did?" calex closed his book. "that's amazing! tell me everything that went down." "well..." nait grinned.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure: Background Information 7 Magic and Science - Sources of Power, Sources of Corruption

Quick and dirty magic items can be made through gygaxian magic, but they tend to burn themselves out rather rapidly, depending on the nature of the item in question: wands and scrolls will last for only a certain number of uses, while a magic sword

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Dragonheart Part 49

With the magical sword, balls and other magic he completed it, while at the same time he protected them with a magical shield attacks. however, he could not long sustain, since both the attacks and the guilt drained all his reserves.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Nineteen

Azkular cursed, but had no time to move before the magical sword whipped around, and the flat of the blade slapped him on the side. "ow!" he shouted, more for effect than from actual pain.

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Pixel Shift - Chapter 3

Her eyes fell on a magical sword, that when swung if the blade doesn't come into contact with a living creature it will fire a fireball forward. it looked rather cool, she picked it up and carried it to the desk and offered money.

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Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 04

"other than it the room's haul was six hundred gold, two magical swords of unknown property. a shield and a helmet and a dozen healing, stamina, and mana potions. "marc, anything on the forums about if the layout of the dungeon changes?"

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Sixth Tale

magic swords! and weird leftovers you find in the fridge." "i question that last one actually creating any heroes..." dr. cutie pup gave the kitten a look. "it happens! all the time!" the kitten huffed.

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Ch. 2- The Tiger and the Noble

I- i've got your magic sword!" the small girl had put on the ring and was holding out the saber, as if it could shoot out fire like a bow shoots an arrow.

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The boy with the Golden core(uneditted) Chapter 2

The ancient wolves were skilled in magic swords. but their elemental magic was lacking a bit" "i know that. my wind elemental is stronger when used in combination with my sword" " me, vincent and jr. have been using tiger magic.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 21 - The Fall Of Pride

It was very strong, and she actually managed to cut a piece of the crystal, that had just blocked a magical sword. i was impressed, to say the least. everything was happening way too fast. the tornado around pride had a darker tint to it.

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