Adamant 05: Sticky Mess or Sweet Victory?

Dusk was nowhere in sight, but then she walked through the door with a nervous guy in tow. i guess it makes sense since he's getting randomly pulled in by a girl.

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Curiosity Changed the Cat (Commission for Xilimyth)

Xili asked cimmaron, hovering several feet above the counter as the nervous male at the till, trying to not stare at the well proportioned dracat as he rang up the pile upon pile of shirts, underwear, sweats and more that xili had picked out.

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Chapter 1: Getting Out of the Slump

He stated quite nervously. boy, he felt so stupid as the words came out of his mouth, but they must get it a lot. the female quickly responded, "oh, sure! let me give ya to the bosswolf!"

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Our Pride chapter 2

Rem took jake's hand in his and led the nervous male off to the group i just left. "you sure about this?" eric asked me. i looked into his eyes. "relax kitty, trust me on this. he will be fine, rem is with him and zach is over there."

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The Dragon's Apprentice

Holding the increasingly nervous boy in my stare, i made it clear to him that i was a powerful man, with powerful lusts. to become my apprentice, he would need to dull my horns however often that proved necessary... and he would have to start now.

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Kioga: A Malicious Prank

Wesley predictably found a seat across from the nervous boy and smiled as he settled in, flicking his eyes to the other male's ambiguously thick crotch as he settled down.

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The Sword of a Million Men - Chapter I

I know how to fix a poor nervous boy right up." she took a step forward, making him feel slightly trapped.

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Cynder's New School (Dragon Girl Vore Story)

Cynder reacted at the lightning speed and put her razor-sharp tail blade in front of his face, keeping the nervous boy on the distance. she was pierced to nathan's dedication and hurried to finish her pesky second course.

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Booming Thunder

The group watched closely as the nervous male licked her spread groin from bottom to top, but he soon lost that as the scents got to him.

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Gargoyles: Hudson's Slave

"heh, you look nervous, boy." hudson smirked. "n-no, master. i'm..." broadway's blushing intensified and he bucked his hips slightly, pressing his growing length against hudson's waist, "i... i need you, master..." he said. "mrrr, that right, boy?"

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Chapter 4 "From past to a new day"

The nervous boy looking at him hesitated for a second, the small wink assuring him that nobody was going to die today. and slowly... he took the gun, swallowed nervously...

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