Gryphon's Lust

"you come here, say a few words, extract petty revenge on my partner and leave?" "quite so, fledgling. i have fulfilled my purpose." "indeed. giving us false hopes will surely prove most helpful when the spire sends us into a suicide mission."

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 118

Were he _truly_ serious about hunting me down, he would not care about angering his brothers, but for idle and petty revenge, he would deem me unworthy of the repercussions.

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The Capriciousness of Noble Foxes -- Chapter 1

I hope you're satisfied with your petty revenge. what a savage you are. an utter beast. you haven't even gone fully soft! what an unrepentant reprobate." despite the man's words, lord delinious didn't sound angry. he sounded horny. lustful.

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Circe's Island

Captured though i may be, and powerless inside this accursed net, but love shall conquer all, including your attempts at petty revenge.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book II: Chapter 8

He killed jurlick out o' petty revenge! ginny saw, so he killed her too to cover his tracks! then the coward ran the second mirnsak sighted 'im." "that doesn't explain all the beasts he was with though," said mirnsak.

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Jackie-The-Junior First-Day-Part-One

I don't think that was an accident either, probably views it as petty revenge on me. not only are they too 'girly' for my tastes. dress's make me feel like i am just in my panties from the waist down while i walk.

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The Mightiest Adventurers

Often to come back and seek some petty revenge against said noble for treating them as mere kobolds. while most manors did have a vault or secured area of some kind. many of those who saw themselves as above others would have a trophy room.

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Best Served Cold Chapter 2: Conquering the Queen

"that _bitch_ made you endure all this for the sole purpose of petty revenge..." twilight narrowed her eyes before nodding in response. "you... you're right... and she'll pay for all of it... but first..."

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Cyril In The Middle

As undignified as it was for a leader to seek petty revenge, in this case, the fire guardian would make an exception. that felt _good._.

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Hustles All The Way Down

After all, i'm not here for petty revenge, but to make you a better person, which is what this exercise is really all about." "so this is just an after-school special where the bad guys learn a lesson about the true value of life?"

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Delayed Gratification

As much as she still hated the feline, she wouldn't dare hurt her clients and her own reputation just for the sake of petty revenge. but to her surprise, the feline whore managed to take the toy all the way to the knotted base without complaint, almost.

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