Minerva and Tik Tik

It is a semi-sentient symbiotic parasite that feeds off sexual release and, in turn, gives it back to the wearer. the spell that damned little kobold managed to surprise her with doesn't affect just her.

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The Battle for Arc

The native population consisted of several hundred thousand semi-sentient reptiles, each over six feet tall and much stronger than humans. many of them wore armor crafted from metallic ores that absorbed energy, making them immune to many weapons.

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Moon Shadow Issue #2 Weaver Alone

Inadvertently the mutant monstrosity of a man has slowly but surely roused the semi sentient robot from its slumber.

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RS: love Chronicles vol 1: 5/6

The cube of energy is semi sentient; i have noticed it has four energy lines.

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Rubber Funhouse Escape - Commission - Part 1

These semi sentient inflatable balls love nothing more then to bounce around. but now that our lovely contestant is here, they'll finally have someone to play with!"

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Cyber Mind Crimes

Nu-zu city is a pleasure palace for the richest citizens of the world and they are pampered by the semi-sentient beings both organic and mechanical that they can use and abuse to their hearts content.

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RS: Incestious liberation 2/4

Durandal was a very rare hyper advanced ai because he was semi sentient. the information stored within him would make anybody super rich, or a massive threat.

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Family Reunion

Family reunions weren't supposed to end up with him strung up with vines, trapped, naked, and at the mercy of a semi-sentient plant. his best formal suit of clothes was now a tattered pile of rags strewn around the lawn in front of him.

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A Snow Leopard Among the Stars

The majority of the actual work had been done by the ship's semi-sentient ai, but it had still demanded a lot of research and study to plan properly.

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Cyclical Karma

Specifically the semi-sentient mouth on the end of his tail that had no reservations against acting on renoko's behalf.

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Expedition: The Mask Falls

"the refit to delphi-ii includes a semi-sentient ai. no personality, no particular independence of thought or self-awareness but incredibly adept at processing information and drawing logical conclusions.

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Bringing Back the Species part 1

To evolve, gaining sentience and becoming more and more advanced as they began to interact with others, but this was not the case with some, some simply stayed the way they were millions of years ago or only evolved part way, leading to small pockets of semi-sentient

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